dumb blonde (2

13 2 3

Oops made a part two hehe

The way Kenzo speaks is getting harder to write I swear... damn blondes :/ (ok seriously I think ill just ditch that idea, I can't stand it anymore and it will probably be easier to read to)



TW: more suicide related stuff, leave if that bothers ya <3




Esther hugged Kenzo dearly until he let go. "Thank you, Esther.." His voice was weak and quiet. Esther returned a smile. "Oh! There you are Kenzo!" Zara called out as she ran up to them. "Hi Zara.." Kenzo looked back at her. "I just wanted to say, don't take what Cas said seriously, he doesn't know what he's talking about. He's just a big jerk" Zara said. "...I know. Also he isn't a jerk" Kenzo defended. "Have you lost your mind or has he casted a spell on you?" Zara laughed, jokingly. "Heheh... I don't know" Kenzo responded with an awkward laugh. "Welp, that's all, see ya later!" She left. It wasn't long until Kenzo and Esther also went their separate ways. Kenzo loves Cas, and that's never going to change. No matter how horrible he is. Or how much he despises Kenzo. But Kenzo believes that no one is truly bad at heart, wise words Esther had once, although he is starting to loose hope. Growing more frustrated towards himself, the longer he doesn't let go of Cas the longer he's going to feel like this. Oh well. He got caught up in his thoughts again, it hadn't been long since he last thought of his demise. he remembered what Cas said, 'You're nothing more than an inconvenience to everyone around you! We would all be better of if you were dead!' once more. He felt sadness sting through his heart as it had many times before. After minutes of walking around frantically, and nearly having a breakdown, he worked up the courage to do the thing he had always wanted to: end it. He is going force himself to actually do it, and ignore the fear that strikes him when he trys. He's not going to back down, that's his promise to himself. Oh, how is this foolish dumb blonde going to do it? A sword. That's how. It was always much simpler to him before his attempts, rather than during them. There's nothing getting in my way this time, he thought to himself. Before long he managed to get his hands on one of the swords that the fighters had not used. Usually when Serrah comes up with a better weapon, she makes one for all of them so they don't end up using the older weaker ones for battles. So that was an easy part of Kenzos mission, now was the hard part... finally I can say my worthless life of pain goodbye... but.. what if there's a different way- no, I'm doing this! there IS no other way, why can't I ever realize that?... ugh.. my own stupidity makes me confused. Oh Cas... I love you.. Kenzo, of course started crying. He took a deep breath and with all this strength, stabbed himself right in the chest. Too far to go back now... I don't have to suffer anymore.. heheh.... blood seeped down, staining the white snow that was bound to become bloody from a fight anyway. He winced at the pain, and fell to the ground. It's not enough to kill him, but blood loss might just do the job.....


"Ughhh.... hmm........?" The mumbles of the blonde startled Cas yet brought hope back to him. It seems he had failed, again. His wounds were all patched up, most likely thanks to young Kalon. "Kenzo!" Cas called, hugging him tightly. He felt dizzy and confused, what..? Why is he.... this close to me? Kenzo felt the pain from his injuries and remembered. He froze, looking at Cas with a blank almost emotionless stare. "I'm so sorry, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry" Cas repeatedly apologized, recognizing that this was his own fault. Suddenly Kenzo had the urge to cry again. ".....I don't mean to hurt people, I just do. I ment nothing of what I said to you earlier, and.... I'm sorry.." Cas sobbed  truthfully. The hidden sorrow that's always been in his eyes is just now noticeable. His voice was light and rushed. Kenzo had no idea what to say. "Well... that wasn't really your fault, I had always.. erm.... felt like.. doing that" Kenzo smiled weakly. "But i still feel bad about it.." Cas ended up going quiet, thinking. He got caught in Kenzos gaze, his broen eyes shined brightly like stars in the black night sky. "Why are your eyes always so darn shiny?" He asked, feeling distracted. "Probably because of all the tears I've cried, hehh" Kenzo joked, laughing a little. "I still love you. I know you don't feel the same but I'll say it anyway, because well.. I just love you, and I won't try to make you love me, just don't hate me, eh?" Kenzo smiled. "....screw it. You never know until you try" Cas stopped thinking and finally spoke. Kenzo looked at him in confusion, until Cas pulled him closer and kissed him on the lips. They stayed like that for a few seconds. Eventually Cas pulled away. Kenzos face turned bright red with blush, he was embarrassed and surprised but really happy. "Hmm.. not bad" Cas smirked. "H-huh? What just- ... just happend?.." Kenzo was completely dumbfounded. After a moment a silly smiled appeared on his face. "Hehehh.. that was nice" Kenzo giggled. "It sure was if i do say so myself" Cas still had a look of mischief, as he held his hand. "I'm sorry for everything I said before.. and I'm sorry if I'm not ever able to act nicer, but I will try, for you" Cas looked at Kenzo, with slight sorrow. Sure, he already apologized, but he still wasn't forgiving about himself. "That's alright, I'll just be happy to have even one night like this" Kenzo smiled, a sweet look in his shiny brown eyes. "Heh, of course you are.." Cas lightened up a but more. "But don't you still love Anessa?" Kenzo questioned. "...yes, but she'll never like a guy like me anyway. Warwick seems better for her. I'm not entirely sure if I actually love you or not.... but....... maby I do.." He answered. They went silent, the snow that fell seemed less cold. "You're such a dumb blonde... the best dumb blonde I ever met" Cas muttered, almost silently.




The end!!

It's a lot longer than intended but I didn't want to make another part for this so yeahh


ALSO OOPS I MADE THEM KISSEDD??! I'm giggling so hard while I wrote thatt

Anyways bye bye!!

... this is the day after I published this, I was writing it at like 3-4am so uhh errors..... I fix most of em though!

 Dqb2 Oneshots ~☆ [Requests Open]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن