Chapter 2

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Jaxson's P.O.V

I texted Drama right after school let out. I was in my black and green mustang. The only thing my mom left me before She died.

::::Hey! Its Jaxson! Can I come over now?::::

::::Hey Jaxson!! Of course u can come over!::::

I drove my car over to her house. Let me tell you! It was huge! I pulled my sleeves down so she wouldn't question. I walked up to her hugenormous house and knocked on the door. A random old looking butler dude came to the door.
"Umm... Is Drama here?" I asked confused.
"Yes sir she is. Come in. She is in the room all the way at the end of that hall way," he pointed to to the left hall way And I headed up there.
I knocked on her door. She answered and invited me in. Her room was all black instead of one wall that had a big Batman symbol. The rest of her room was filled with band posters and drawings.
"How's everything Jax?" Did she just call Me Jax?
"Oh just the normal boring shit! And may I ask you?" I ask.
"Well my parents are on business like always. And I am stuck alone." this girl was highly beautiful. Her eyes were as blue as a lighting strike. She was gorgeous.
"That sucks, boo," I call everyone that so I meant nothing. Maybe.
"Yeah. I am used to it though. They are gone a lot," I got up and walked to her speakers and connected the blue tooth to my phone. I turned on Asking Alexandria's 'Not the American Average'. My favorite song by them may I say.
"Hells yes!! I Fucking love this song!!" she started singing a long with it and she had and amazing voice. I am not saying that cause I like her either.
"Can I call up some of my friends," yes I know I said I didn't have any friends, but I sorta stopped hanging out with them.
"Yeah go ahead," she said with a beautiful smile showing off her snakebites.
I called up my friend Mayfire(A/N don't judge me), Zak, and Justin. Zak and Justin are dating and Mayfire is just going through a rough heartbreak. 3 years they we're together and he cheated on her. I beat his ass. She is my little sister after all (in the story they actually). They all said they were coming and soon enough we saw them all waking up the driveway.
They knocked on Drama's door to be answered by Drama. Mayfire came over and hugged me. We were really close.
"This little cutie is my sister Mayfire, and those dickheads are Zak and Justin. They are dating so you can't date neither one of them," I introduced them to Drama.
"Hi everyone! I am Drama! I just moved here yesterday and I invited that guy over cause his meat was in my salad," I started laughing really hard at that.
"She hates meat," is all I managed to get out.
"Why was his meat in your salad?" Zak asked with a weird look on his face.
"He was sitting on a tree during lunch And dropped his sandwich in my salad. I of course is a vegetarian, so I had to throw away my lunch," I was still laughing, but not as hard.
"It was really funny cause of my dirty mind," I laugh.
"My brother is about to get punched in the nuts if he doesn't shut up soon," Mayfire said as she looked at me. I know She will so I shut up fast.
"Thank you,"

1 hour later

We were all hanging out. Drama and Mayfire had a lot in common. Then something slipped out of her mouth.

Hahaha cliffhanger!!! Don't judge me for using my sexy ass name for Jaxson's sister.

Anyway what do u think Mayfire is gonna say?

Keep reading. I swear on my grave it will get better

Unspoken Words (an emo love story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ