chapter 7

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"I want to make it work." Yaad stands in front of Zemin with a serious face "I want no conditions in our marriage. I want to stay with you, eat with you, work with you and make love with you."

Zemin listens to Yaad carefully "ok .. now what's the real reason ?"

"Why don't you trust me. I have never hurt you."

Zemin sits on the garden bench "Because I know your type. So come clear. What's the catch ?"

Yaad sits beside Zemin "not much. I want my sister out of prison."

"Then cancel the wedding. I can't do that."

"Why not ? You are the emperor too." Yaad pouts.

"Come clear Yaad. What do you want ? I don't think you love your sister that much !"

"I did something bad when I was a teenager. Don't ask me what. Just .. she has it against me and she can harm me with that. I need to listen to her." Yaad comes clear.

"So blackmail ?" Zemin grins. He suddenly feels the spark that he used to feel before.

"Yep ! I will help you, if you help me."

"Help me with what ?" Zemin tilts his head.

"With whatever your mission is. I don't think you changed overnight , just like that. Doesn't your redemption sounds like story ? A cock and bull story !"

Zemin laughes out loud "well ... Diamond cuts diamond .. huh .. ok .. deal. You help me , I will help you."

"NOOOOOO !" Xingchen wakes up from his sleep with sweat covering his forehead. His breathing goes hard. Ever since he heard the conversation between Yaad and Zemin in the garden, he can't forget it.

He gulps to ease his dry throat. Zemin is scheming. He is the emperor of southern Zi, yet he is scheming. Xingchen can't believe this. But .. but he heard them with his own ears.

"No .. this can't be. He needs to stop Zemin. He needs to meet Yuzu... right now. He doesn't have much time. Within hours Zemin is going to marry Yaad. He needs to stop them."

Xingchen climbs down the bed while fixing his robe. Yuzu must be in his bed chamber right now.


"There must be a misunderstanding, Xingchen. I know you have bitter feelings for him but you can't suspect everything he does."

"I heard him" Xingchen emphasizes.

Yuzu frowns at Xingchen "And can I ask why ? Why you followed them ? What was your intention of listening to their private conversation, Xingchen ?"

Xingchen hesitates but the urgency in his voice doesn't leave "I am not making up things, I swear."

"Ok fine, let's say .. you are not making it up. But what's the proof Xingchen ? Why did you come to me ? What am I suppose to do ?"

"Can't you cancel the wedding?"

Yuzu tilts his head "cancelling the wedding would stop Xingchen from scheming ?"

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