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I'm doing well I just want you to know that I am doing a lot better. I am able to be in DC district of Columbia and then I'm gonna be moving towards Quantico pretty soon to be training. It'll be a long time training, but it'll be a lot easier on me to deal with the situation. That is my life to help people to make a difference to help other people make a difference in their lives as well would be a lot easier than just writing about the evil in the world is time to fix stupidity and it's finest sometimes that's why I think I was put on this planet was to help stupidity, even though some people would say that you're not able to fix. I'd like to differ on that one.
For the people who say that they cannot fix stupid they haven't met an FBI agent because they actually do fix the stupidity in the world or at least try to change its course so it wouldn't be as devastating. I find this is why I've been put on this planet also I'm happy to be , engaged with my fiancé Rickie! Turned out to be a wonderful human being, even though Michael was trying to teach him to be a sex object. I didn't think of him as that thought of him was a friend a childhood sweetheart something that was important to me. I was happy to be with him still to this day


When I wrote that I was happy! I dropped off the letter at the mailbox right before I caught the trip to DC District of Columbia and I was able to enjoy the fact that I was fulfilling my dream. The idea that I wanted to be penpals with and this sounds childish with my former enemy was a lot better than dealing with stuff that was going to be just alone so lifestyle, being someone else's objective desire or something like that I'd rather just be something that I'd wanna be as I was approaching Quantico in DC for a couple of days. I was able to be happy to know that this dream was gonna come true. This dream was gonna happen to me and it wasn't gonna be a nightmare like the rest of my life was I was actually enjoying the scenic bus drive and actually go to the actual FBI Academy was just wonderful for me to deal with in this case, I was able to be with Rickie for the most part!

For the most part, we were holding hands and kissing on the way to Quantico. That was what I liked about him was that he always was spontaneous about his love his affection for me was public. He was always in love with me. He wanted to be with me. I know that for a fact, the idea that we were finally gonna make our dreams come true was so surreal that I couldn't imagine when we got to Quantico. I ended up realizing that this was not a dream anymore, nor was my life and nightmare was actually starting to be a glimmer if you would a glimmer or something that is positive in life over a sea of shit! That being said, I was very happy to see this huge glamour in my life come true. The idea that I was going to do something that I was something bigger than something that I wanted to do for the rest of my life my mother had mentioned about giving back to the world, even though she should've try to go about her own advice as well practice what she preach she did that life, she was not very good. She was not very good person, but I was happy to start my orientation seeing what this place was gonna be like what it was gonna offer me as of what life was gonna be like for me for the next 20 or 16 weeks it was gonna be something that I was gonna be hard. I know that was gonna be something I wanted to do, something childhood sweetheart something that I wanted to do since I kissed him first time when we watched the X-Files this was no joke! At least it wasn't we were going to go fulfil our dreams of doing what we wanted to be part of something bigger than us to make a difference in the world to help other people that was what we wanted to do as well as to be in love with each other! I wanted to be able to enjoy but I know this was not gonna be a vacation for 20 weeks. I believe it was going to be a gruelling time and it was gonna be a hard time. I know that might make some friends might make some more enemies in my life, but I didn't know for a fact or for sure Until we try this out this will turn out to be a lot better than just being TSA agent which I found was more oppressive than anything else. I did not like being a TSA agent or anything for that matter that was below me I wanted to do something that was actually worth my time and effort in life! I realize that when I met him again, it was finally happening for me that I found true love again, as well as my true purpose and life. At first I thought I was gonna be in a for the rest of my life, everything had its own purpose in life, and that everything was gonna be what it was supposed to be. Everything was falling in place for once in my life I was gonna be happy for who I was going to be not who I was in the past, I don't usually do slut shaming but I was what I was when I was in the past, but I am not that girl anymore!

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