Hell Stands Above Heaven

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After a very lengthy conversation with Masaki, Ichigo walks her to the portal waiting to take her back to Hell. She would've made her own, but the Shinigami sitting around had jumped at the opportunity to help Hell's Queen. They were probably seeking for a distraction away from all the death around them. That's understandable.

"I want you to stay here," Masaki tells him as they make their way out of the First Division's garrison building.

"Why? What do you think is going to happen?" Ichigo asks.

Yuzu trails behind them, her ears open to absorb all the information she can. Maybe, due to her more dominate Quincy side, she is more interested in what her afterlife would be like. Her station as Hell's Princess would definitely get her places and a chance to seek forbidden knowledge. The possibilities must be exciting.

Masaki purses her lips, her eyes on the arm she has looped around Ichigo's. He forgets that he's taller than her sometimes. "I'm worried what the Almighty will do again. He's using the shadows to hide in plain sight and to watch your next move. As a Quincy, you can help the Shinigami combat this. Besides, Rukia will have better care here than with Quincy healers."

A pained smile works its way onto Ichigo's face. It means more to him than either woman will ever realize, but he's glad that his mother and wife get along so well. He'll catch them sharing tea in the private kitchens and spilling gossip occasionally, or they'll give each other looks of a hidden joke during meetings. The little things are really big things. It also sucks that she now shares his worry whenever Rukia is in pain.

As far as the other stuff goes about Yhwach watching them from the literal shadows, Ichigo can't say he's all that surprised. No, he hasn't heard of it until now, but with the Quincy King? Anything is possible.

"Yuzu, have they found out what's wrong with Rukia?" Masaki asks from over her shoulder.

Yuzu stands up a little straighter. "No, ma'am, not since Ichi-nii has woken up."

The portal is in sight now. The Shinigami cleared what debris they could offer something of a regal walkway through the left over carnage. Hell's Prince leads his mother and her entourage of guards through the walkway. He doesn't remember when he got so used to being encased by guards.

"This is troubling," Masaki whispers. "I wonder if it's her injuries keeping her unconscious or her will."

Ichigo's face turns sour at the implication. "What do you mean?"

Masaki waves in dismissal of her son's scowl. "I only mean that something traumatizing must've happened to her. She might be having a struggle with her will right now. That or someone put her in that sleep. Regardless, it all comes down to if her will can get her out of unconsciousness or not."

His airway constricts. The tightness almost starts to make him panic until he realizes it's only anxiety. An uneven breath leaves him. Masaki frowns at the sound.

"I'm fine," he reassures her. "I'm just worried."

"And you've every right. Once the Shinigami find a semblance reorganization, focus on getting Rukia back. You might not have much time, but it's worth a try," Masaki recommends.

A teasing grin pulls at Ichigo's lips. "Aw, look at you."

Hell's Queen gawks at her son's audacity. "Shut it."

"Right. Remind me who's married to Rukia?"

She scoffs at his poke, and gives him a good slap in the arm in return. It doesn't hurt a bit, but he gives a dramatic whine for the sake of it. She rolls her eyes at him, but her smile betrays her true feelings. Yuzu watches them silently, distant happiness splayed across her features. Ichigo is worried she might be a little jealous.

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