More Than Meets the Eye

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Information starts to fill Ichigo's mind; information that he didn't already have. Squad Zero is made up of five of the most impressive captains in the history of the Gotei 13. All were hand picked by the Soul King himself. Hyosube Ichibe is the leader of the royal guard, a large man with beads around his neck and a beard that could make any man jealous. Ichigo stands in the back and watches as the man doesn't exactly interact with those around him, but commands their cooperation with a simple look. Hyosube is definitely interesting.

The other four of Squad Zero have more lasting impressions as they speak with the captains. Some of the captains know certain Squad Zero members personally in one way or another. Kirinji Tenjiro scolds Unohana for her pour act as a healer, and it actually puts Unohana in a sour mood. Personally, Ichigo wouldn't have pegged Kirinji as a healer with how utterly brutish he looks.

Nimaiya Oetsu is a character in of himself. He reminds Ichigo of Don Kanonji a little with his loud announcer voice and bursting personality. Although, Nimaiya doesn't speak much throughout the initial greeting, when he does speak, he has everyone either smiling or cringing.

Shutara Senjumaru taunts Kurotsuchi relentlessly, her golden, mechanical arms making crude gestures at the captain of the Twelfth Division. She must be a scientist herself if Kurotsuichi is the one Shinigami she decides to target. It wouldn't surprise Ichigo too much if that were the case with the weird exoskeleton she uses more than her own two hands.

The interaction between Shinji and Hikifune Kirio is hilarious. The plump woman must've looked different back then than she does now because Shinji didn't even recognize her. Hikifune had to say something familiar to him before Shinji was about to piece the connection together. His eyes nearly bugged out of his head.

Hyosube cuts off all conversations. "I hate to be a stick in the mud, but we need to get moving. Senjumaru, do you have them?"

Three golden exoskeletons exit the woods and into their field. Each four-legged contraption is carrying an unconscious body wrapped in bandages. Ichigo immediately recognizes all three people being carried.

There's no word given. Omor throws a hand out, and the clansmen surround Shutara. They threaten her with spears and a fresh snarl. One of her golden hands signals for the injured to stop being moved. The golden crawlers stop where they are. The captains sweat drop at the sight of the extreme threat.

"Can I help you?" Shutara asks in a smug tone.

Omor seethes heatedly. "You have taken Hell's Princess without notifying Hell's Heir. State your business, witch."

"I'm merely doing what is asked of me," Shutara replies in her even voice.

Three individuals break through the tree line to join the group in the clearing. Sara and Mark brandish their swords, and Karin is standing behind them while she attempts to catch her breath. Well, it's good to know they at least noticed Rukia's disappearance.

Ichigo approaches the crawlers to check on his wife's unconscious body. Like Renji and Byakuya, Rukia is cocooned in a clear shell of some kind. It's most likely to just protect them for the travel to wherever the hell Squad Zero plans on taking them. Ichigo reaches out and rests a hand on the cocoon holding Rukia. She looks perplexed in her sleep. It makes Ichigo think of what his mother said to him before she left.

"Your Highness! Thank Hell you're here," Sara sighs.

The three new arrivals approach Ichigo. A tired smile touches Ichgio's lips. He needs his wife to get all the help she can. Maybe he should let Squad Zero take Rukia? They can help her in a way he can't. He wasn't aware his brother-in-law was injured as well, or Renji. He needs to get himself and his troops together.

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