..How did this happen..

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08/15 8:30AM Homeroom

I walked into class with my head held high, ready to start my day as quickly as possible. I looked over at my friend sitting at the desk next to me, I sent her a small smile and wave before going through my backpack trying to find the necessary things. I jumped a bit at the loud noise before looking up and glaring.

Conner was there standing, glaring just as hard back. "God, you always have to be the goody two shoes don't ya? Maybe instead of focusing on school, you should focus on the way you dress."

I looked down at my outfit, I was confused because I just had a regular school uniform, just minus the skirt. I didn't have my backup skirt but I like wearing pants. I had my hair pulled up in a low pony tail as well. "What the hell are you talking about? Just because I actually care about my education and grades doesn't make me a goody two shoes, it just makes me a decent human being. At least I won't have to be in this same class again next year."

I crossed my arm and looked up at Conner again with a small smug smile. He huffed before getting off my desk and walking away. Just until he tripped over something, falling on the floor with a loud thud. Everyone in the class quietly whispered to one another while giggling as well. Conner angrily got up before kicking away the backpack that made him trip.

My friend next to me loudly cleared her throat bringing everyone's attention to her. "Oh, I'm sorry! Maybe next you would be intelligent enough to see my backpack there." she said loudly as the class erupted in louder giggling and chuckling.

Since I haven't introduced myself, my name is Camilla. I'm a sophomore at Astra Academy. I have black hair and tannish skin, that's what happens to mexican girls. This school is mostly famous because of their 'intelligent' students but I call bullshit. Most of the kids here are only here because of their status or wealth. Getting here just by intelligence was hard and is something they'll never understand.

My best friend Elena, has been there for me since kindergarten. She also has black hair and is full hispanic. Though thick and in, we were both equally excited being able to come to this school together. Even less excited about the fact we only have 2 classes together but that's okay. We have the same lunch as well.

Conner is one of the trust fund kids, last year I actually thought he was cool but I guess over the summer he got with the wrong group. He's your average white boy, blonde hair with blue eyes. Since Amelia and I live the in the same neighborhood we always meet up after school at one of the local bus stops. I don't know if I mentioned but Amelia has a super cute older brother! He's way out of my league since he's a senior but I always had a crush on him.

But since this school year started..there was him..

Miles Montgomery, only the most handsome boy in our grade. Even though he has money, he didn't use it to buy himself into the school. He actually has the intelligence that the school so called says all the students have.

I never actually talked to him but I have been around him enough to kind of know what kind of person he is. Now back to reality.

I see Conner fuming next to his little groupie before looking at Elena quietly laughing. "Damn girl, you did good." she said with a small smile fully turning towards her. Elena turned towards me as well smiling brightly. "I always got your back girly." she said before letting out a quiet gasp. "Don't look now but guess who just walked in."

My eyes widened once I heard this from her trying not to look back. I then waited 15 seconds before I looked back. I had to look back! It was like the breath was taking out of my lungs. There was Miles Montgomery..he looked wonderful as always. My heart started to beat faster once I realized he was walking towards me. I looked back at my friend trying to fix my hair as possible to look presentable. As I turned around to say hi, he walked right past me! I guess I was just to in my head to think he wanted to talk to me.

I left out a quiet sigh before looking at Elena. "I wish he noticed me.." I had said quietly. Amelia looked at me crazy before saying, "If he wanted to be with someone who was smart and really beautiful he'd be with you. Guess he's blind like the rest of them."

She then let out a gasp looking at me with fire in her eyes. I looked at her a little concerned, knowing what that face meant. "No. No no, we're not doing some crazy plan!" I had whispered yelled to her. She rolled her eyes, "Why not! I know for sure this plan will work out, you just have to trust me." she said with a smile. I looked at her a little skeptical before nodding listening on to her crazy plan.

08/15 11:30am

As I gripped my lucky tray tightly, I looked around the lunch room for her then nodded towards her direction. She looked up before nodding a bunch with her thumb up. This crazy plan of hers included me walking over to the boys, pretending to fall towards Miles direction and get caught by my 'prince charming' as she so called said. I know this is a bad idea, I can tell already but I already started to walk towards them.

My heart stopped as I tripped over my food, as I slowly began to fall forward I closed my eyes and thought, this is the end. Everyone will remember me as the girl who fell and spilled her food everyone in the lunch room. As I prepared myself for the pain, I was surprised that after a few seconds I haven't fell. I slowly opened my eyes before looking up at a dude. I blushed lightly as I tried to stand up again.

He pulled up against him with a small chuckle. "You better what where you're going next time. Might get yourself hurt." I slowly blinked my eyes before remembering who this boy is. "You're Elijah Jenkins!" I said a bit loudly before blushing a bit more. He nodded before fixing my hair. "Yep, that's my name. I'm surprised you remembered."

For context, I used to be friends with Elijah from 4th grade to 6th grade until he moved to London, his mother got a new job. I was really sad that moved, I remember crying that day. So him here is such a crazy coincidence! I smiled brightly before hugging him tightly. "Oh my god! I can't believe you're actually here right now! It's been so long, how have you been?"

Now that I fully looked at him, he was totally different. From the short lean little boy he used to be. He's now taller and more jacked. "I been alright but guess it's my turn to call you shorty now." he said with a small smirk. That's what I used to call him back then, his growth spurt hadn't come in yet so he was only 5'1 while I was 5'3. Now he's probably like 5'11 and I'm only 5'6 so it's not that bad.

I was about to reply to him before I heard a loud splat on the floor. I looked over confused before seeing 2 kids about to argue holding food in their hands. I realized about what was going to happen but I couldn't move. Some random kid got up on one of the chairs before yelling out.

"Food fight!"

Seconds after those words left his mouth, everything went to chaos. Kids were screaming their heads off throwing all different types of food everyone. I felt someone grab my arm before hiding me under the table. I look up at Elijah with nod and small smile. "What happened? Did I start this?" I asked looking at him confused

He let out a small laugh before shrugging. "I don't know, but maybe this will help." he said before grabbing a cupcake on the floor rubbing it on my face. I let out a loud gasp before grabbing food as well, both of us trying to put them on each other's faces.

08/15 12:15 Front Office

As I write this, I'm anxiously waiting for me to get called up there. I hope that they know I didn't start this on purpose. I was just trying to follow a plan to make a boy fall in love with me, that isn't so crazy right?? Well I can't tell them all that, maybe I'll just say I tripped cause that really just is what happened. I hope they don't call parents..

08/16 12:45 Restroom

After that talk with the principal and my parents unfortunately. Me and others were only given an after school dentition for about an hour, give or take. They took a look at the camera that it wasn't done on purpose but I still needed to apologize for dumping food on someone. Elena also texted me saying sorry about what happened but she had so many videos about it. I laughed looking at the videos, seeing everyone going ape shit. Crazy first day, I really hope this school year goes well.

All is Well,

Authors Notes
Hi to whoever finds this, I was trying to go towards a Dork Diaries and The Princess Diary if you hadn't notice, and any advice or criticism you have, please leave a comment. That is all, I'll be back to update soon ❤

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