Maybe Detention isn't that bad

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08/21 4:30 Library

A week later, I found myself stuck inside a detention room with a few other students that got caught in throwing food. I already apologized to that girl, and it went surprisingly well. Here's how it went

I walked up to her tapping her on the shoulder before letting out a small sigh. "I'm sorry that food landed on you last week, I had slipped and I didn't even realize what had happened until that boy yelled." She looked at me a little shocked, like it was unheard of for me to apologize. She then nodded before having a look of understanding. "It's totally fine, I was just kinda mad at the moment and that ended up happening but it wasn't your fault."

I felt relieved when I heard those words, I was nervous actually scratch that, scared that she would end up getting mad at me and just hating me. But I forget there are some nice people at this school. Since Elena wasn't caught she's not here with me at the moment. Lucky bastard.

There are a few people that I know in here though Miles, Conner, Elijah and Tiffany. Everyone else I either haven't met yet or just talked to a couple times. Wouldn't really consider them friends.

I met Tiffany last year in the spring semester, she was a new student from Europe. I think she's Dutch..? I hope she doesn't ask me but we got kinda close during the classes we had together. Especially Biology. We did our work and would just play around but then she went into advance classes. I mean we say hello to each other in the hallway but it's not the same you know?

I still can't believe that Elijah came back from London, he looks the same but..cuter. I haven't been able to stop thinking about him. Well for good and bad reasons. He's also in the room but we're not allowed to talk so..I hope no one sees me writing in this journal. That would be so embarrassing. Conner is loud as always, the teacher tried to make him shut up but after a 'threat' from his father the teacher just ignored it. I'm kinda sitting in middle between the boys. Elijah is a two seats in front of me while Miles and Conner are sitting behind me. I don't know which is worse.

I mean I get to look and imagine about Elijah but I feel like Miles and Conner are both staring at me. It's just kinda creepy but I think I'm imagining things. I closed my eyes and let out a small sigh. As I opened them, I made eye contact with Elijah. I blushed lightly before looking away. I heard a noise before looking over and seeing my teacher get up. He quickly explained that he was needed for a 'conference' but I think he just really needed to shit. He quickly left out the door. I looked around before going over to Elijah sitting next to him. "Hey." I said with a small smile.

He smiled as well and was about to reply before we heard a chair drop. I looked up and Conner and his little goons messing with some kid. I looked at Elijah concerned. "Should we do something about that..?" I asked quietly before staring in shock as he quickly walked over pushing Conner away from the poor boy!

Conner had glare at Elijah, like he was the most filthiest person in the planet. Elijah had glared back just intensely. I got up but didn't want to intervene in case I got hurt. Elijah began pushing Conner against a wall and held him there. "What do you think you're doing? Pick on someone that can actually fight back." he said as he moved his hair out of his face holding him against the wall harder. Conner looked away, trying to catch his breath before saying. "You're gonna wish you never messed with me, my father will hear about this and I'll make sure that I get you kicked out of this school and every other private academy." he said glaring trying to get out of his grip which just made Elijah grip harder!

I was just standing there still a little shocked before looking at Elijah's arm..they look so good when he grabs things..I slapped my cheek lightly blushing lightly. I shouldn't think of things like this! I heard a quiet laugh before looking around and seeing Miles right behind me!! My eyes widen a bit looking at him.

"I don't know if we met, my name is Miles. What's yours?" It was like the breath was taken out of my lungs and stored in a jar for later. I didn't know what to say, even though he just told me. The first word I could think of was.


Once I realized what I said, I felt like time froze around me. It felt the same as when I almost fell but this is a 1000 times worse! I said the word coffee! What's wrong with me!? I was still internally panicking before I heard more laughter. I looked up at him confused as he continued to laugh. I gain the courage to ask him. "What's funny..?"

He looked at me before pretending to wipe a tear off his face. "That was gold, I can't believe we haven't met yet. But seriously now, what's your name." he said looking at me. I slowly nodded before quietly saying, "Camilla..My name is Camilla." I said reaching my hand out a bit, unsure if he wanted to shake it.

He smiles before grabbing it and lightly kissing my knuckles! "It's very nice to meet you, so how did you end up here? The food fight or something else?" I put a piece of my hair behind my ear before looking at him again. "I may have accidentally started the food fight.." he said awkwardly laughing. He looked at me a bit shocked. Before hearing someone yell. "The teacher is coming back! Back to your seats!" Me and all the others quickly ran back to our seats to not get in even more trouble.

The teacher walked in before grabbing a small clipboard. "Okay everyone, it's almost time for you guys to leave. Because you're not supposed to have your phones it's currently 5:20, so only 10 minutes. The principal has also issued for all the students to sign up to help tutor other students and to pick a volunteer event and reach 10 volunteer hours by the end of the semester. There are some events here, just write your name on which event you would like to do then sign up to help tutor students. After that you will remain seated til 5:30. That is all." he said as he sat down putting the clipboard next to the events on the table.

Everyone slowly stood up and walked over to the table to look at the events. Which was a lot like helping the dance team make posters for their competition. Most of them were decorations or helping little students at elementary schools. They only lasted 2-3 hours which means I would have to do more than one event.

I let out a small sigh before looking over at Elijah. "Which event are you picking?" He let out a small hum before scanning them again. "Maybe this carwash one, seems kinda easy and it has the most hours." I looked at the flyer and my eyes widened a bit. 5-6 hours at a car wash?? But it seems it's for a good cause. "Maybe that one first." I said before grabbing the pen signing up before realizing that Miles also signed up for the same event. I hope he sees me there. I then gave a pen Elijah to sign as I walked over and signed up to help tutor.

I sat down in my seat waiting for this to be over. Soon after everyone signed up it was basically time to go. The teacher then stood up and cleared his throat. "Okay everyone, it's time for you to go. I will be passing out phones now." he said as he grabbed the box and slowly started to call people to grab their phone. As soon as my name was called I went over grabbing it quickly then leaving. As I was walking out, I heard someone call my name. I looked backed to see Conner by the door.

"Look since I know you, I won't tell my father about what happened today with Elijah. But if something like this ever happens again. I'll make sure he's kicked out this academy permanently." he said before bumping shoulders with me as he left.

08/21 6:00pm Home

As soon as I got home, I said hello to my parents and changed into more comfortable clothes. I also texted Elena and told her about what happened. We both started squealing so loud that her older brother over heard and thought we were 'pigs' as he said. As I rolled my eyes I continued to tell her what happened with Conner and Elijah. Then we hung up little after I explained. I had got in the shower and ate dinner. It was just a simple soup with a small salad. But I'm always grateful for my food.

As I lay in my bed writing this, I get an unknown text saying.

"I know what happened"

All is Well

Authors notes
I was wondering based on the characters for now, who do you think would be the best match with Camilla? Miles the cutest guy in her grade, Conner the toughest boy with a soft spot for her or Elijah her childhood crush that came back.

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