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Brooks pov:

The next morning when I got sat up in my bed, i heard a knock and someone opening the door.
So I left my room going to see who came in, it was sheriff peterkin.
She was talking about what happened last night at the boneyard and about how cheryl is worried about us not having a guardian.
Peterkin made a deal with us saying she won't say we don't have guardian to cheryl if we stay out of the marsh.

Then pogues ended up coming to the chateau, jj and john b were fighting, saying that you shouldn't trust the cops.
But they ended up making a plan to see what was in the marsh, they dropped john b off at the cameron house to get oxygen tanks so we can dive.

When we got to the marsh, all the tanks except for one had oxygen in it, so one person could dive.
Then john b offered to dive, then kie jumped in the water to tie her shirt to a part of the rope, before he dived kie kissed him on the cheek.
Making him blush, then he was in the water, we just all sat there waiting for him.
Then two cops on boat saw us, coming over to us to ask questions, they asked what we were doing in the marsh and that it was closed.
Then he looked at me asking me where my brother was, i said " he's working today".
I guess they believed me, then he got onto our boat looking around, then he looked into the water, i was stared john b was going to get caught and id have to live with my mom again.
Then they finally left, john b came up a few minutes later, with a duffle bag in his hand.
Then we drove back to the chateau while another boat was following us and then they pulled out a gun.
They were shooting at us and jj pulled me down then he also pulled john b down, then kie got up and threw our fishing net.
It got snuck in their engine making there boat stop.
We made it to the chateau , then he opened the duffel bag revealing a tin tube that he opened.
In the tube there was a compass, i swear i've seen that before, that compass looked oddly familiar tho.
John b was smiling at it while the pogues complained, then he spoke " this is our dad's compass".

john bs little sister/ obx fanfic Where stories live. Discover now