Chapter 1

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Shelly pov

I turned around in surprise as my ex, Alex, walked towards me.

"I'm sorry for cheating on you Shelly babe" Alex said.

" don't call me your babe cos I've moved on and It doesn't change anything." I replied. My hand flew to Alex's throat and he started hovering midair as Alex started whimpering. I then dropped him in shock "what the hell just happened," Alex exclaimed " demon!" he continued, then scrambled to his feet and ran, then my eyes returned to normal. I turned and walked away like nothing ever happened, then continued shopping.

Third person pov

Later that day....

Shelly held her phone in her hand, trembling.

"Hey Amelia please don't tell anyone, but this morning I saw Alex and anger washed over me. All of a sudden my hand flew to his throat and he was hovering in mid air when I didn't touch him, babe. I know I can trust you right? Thanks." Shelly said, near tears.

"Babe I'm coming over right now. I'll bring some ice cream." Amelia replied to her.

When she bought the ice cream at the gas station, she looked down at her phone and texted 'I'm almost at the alleyway' to an unknown number. She then left the gas station and went to a sketchy looking alleyway. She met a hooded person then she gave them money for a tiny bottle of poison.

When Amelia got home she put the poison into the tub of ice cream, walked out the door and threw away the bottle, then went to Shelly's house, she won't suspect a thing thought Amelia, as she walked into Shelly's house. She said hi and gave her the ice cream. Shelly ate it then said "ugh i don't feel too good," then she fell to the floor motionless.

As Amelia walked into her mothers house memories, bad memories came flooding back to her like why she became a criminal and all the slaps of her childhood sounded so real, she quickly walked past the entranceway as if the terrible memories would stop. She went into Lucia's room then took her gun out of the Hollister, looked away and pulled the trigger.


hello everyone, this is a story I wrote a few years ago so please don't judge.

I might not be able to update much because I've been really busy

thanks for reading this chapter

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