Chapter 3

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third person pov

Amelia jumped into her Ferrari and drove to her brother's house then got out and picked the lock then went into the house and grabbed a grenade then threw it and grabbed his cat Luna and ran.

Amelia decided to adopt Luna since she had killed Luna's owner. The two had a very close bond until one unforgettable day, the day Luna ran away and never came back.

Amelia turned around in surprise as her ex- boss walked towards her, but her ex-boss walked straight past her she decided to risk everything and say hi. But she forgot to put an accent on and screwed everything up and she would pay for it.

"Hi" Amelia said to her ex-boss then realized that she didn't change her voice, would her boss notice?

"H- wait a minute you sound like Amelia, and you look kinda like her. You are her, I know it. OFF TO JAIL WITH THEE,"

So now Amelia was sitting in a jail cell regretting her life choices as the minutes ticked by slowly she felt so alone and regretted killing everyone she loved.

As a guard was walking past Amelia reached into his pocket and stole the keys from him then put the key into the lock and quietly unlocked it then opened it and walked out, her stilettos clicking on the floor.


3 chapters in one day wow.

sorry for the cliffhanger lol

thanks for reading this chapter 


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