Chapter 6 - Lorelai + Amelia/Kalevala????

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Lorelai and Amelia had tea and talked for ages and were still going as the conversation got more personal, it started from: how have you been since middle school? to; do you have a boyfriend? do you have a girlfriend? are you straight? 

now you may be thinking but obviously Amelia would notice the kind of questions Lorelai was asking her, but no Amelia is really bad at taking hints and she's very oblivious to the fact that Lorelai was into her.

after talking for longer Lorelai had enough of dropping hints that Amelia kept missing and cut Amelia off mid sentence with a kiss, at first Amelia was stiff because she hadn't expected it but then she leaned into the kiss more and started kissing back and eventually things got more heated but then Lorelai's younger siblings; Jett and Jule walked in (yes her younger sisters lives with her, her parents were abusive towards the two and they were extremely homophobic also Jett is nonbinary and Jule is genderfluid)

the two girls pulled away embarrassed 

"did you want to go to my place?" Amelia asked her

"sure, Jule, Jett I'm going to be at my friends place for a while and possibly the night, ok? I'm going to get Aimee to look after you," Lorelai yelled at her siblings

"I'm 16 i don't need a baby sitter" Jett replied

" I'm 15 i don't need one either," Jule agreed with his sibling

"too bad so sad, sucks to be you. I already messaged Aimee so she's already on her way, i cant cancel now, have fun" Lorelai said rushing Amelia out the door and opening leading her out.

(Time skip brought to you by my late night writing)

when they pulled up they hopped out of the car then Amelia opened the door and started walking inside with Lorelai following behind her. once they got inside Amelia swung round to face Lorelai and started talking

"should we finish what we started?" she asked

"why of course madam" Lorelai replied with a terrible attempt at a British accent that sounded like it was more Scottish and British.

then they went into the bedroom and went backing to kissing and eventually both of their clothes were on the floor. 


just to note both characters are American (i am not)

well that was an interesting chapter, how do you think it was? 

anyways, its really late where i am so i might go to bed.

if your looking for something else to read try: 'Undercover' also by me, it only has one chapter published. or you could try 'the potter at kings' also by me it has a few chapters published. undercover is a dramione fic with a twist, the potter at kings is a book with alot of crossovers including: harry potter, Deadly class, the Mcu and probably more in coming chapters. 

thanks so much for reading


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