chapter 4

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It was going to be hard to collect enough embarrassing secrets to expose everyone who had hurt her in the past but Kalevala had a plan to get her revenge and the first target was her ex boss Carter, and he was going to regret throwing her in jail.

First step of Kalevala's plan was to go to her old job and ask everyone if they knew anything about their boss and if they did Kalevala would gather all the information to get enough to expose Carter, the first person Kalevala asked was the teenage secretary Kalie and she revealed all sorts of gossip about Carter.

Apparently Carter used to have a pet dirt dolphin and had eaten him by accident when he was having spaghetti and he had sent a lot of his other employees to jail as well. without a police warrant he would search peoples houses and would steal from them.

According to Elsia the lead girl from the 'investigation' ward Carter was planning to kill Cora before someone beat him to it and killed her first.

Now that Kalevala had some information about Carter gathered she had to get details on her next target.

Kalevala walked up to her car and snatched the key off the wall and slammed the key in and then turned on the ignition, you might think this was normal for her but today she was fired up and angry for she had not found anything else about anyone in three weeks.


hello everyone this is where i stopped writing the story a few years ago but i will continue writing it, it might take me a while though

thanks so much for reading


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