Del Russo Ball The Principnessa is gone

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Leonardo's pov- I was sitting with Mateo his the Don of the Spanish Mafia I have the strongest alliance with him.
I absent Mindy scanned  the room I have spotted all my children laughing and dancing with other children well most of them I kept looking for Santi and Mike but I didn't see them.
It suddenly hit me that I haven't seen them since they left for the bathroom with Donny, I excuse myself and walked over to Alessio as calmly as I can trying not to jump to the worse case scenario. Maybe they went of on there own to explore.
But my heart couldn't stop racing, Alessio noticed my facial expression before I got there to him, we both headed upstairs into my own personal office here.

Alessio - Leo what's wrong

Leonardo - Santi, Mike I can't spot them anywhere , the last time I saw them they went to bathroom with Donny, I want all the guards to find the them quietly I don't need anyone catching on at least not now.
Find Donny he was with them.

Alessio - okay Leo you got it , Just relax I am sure  they are around here somewhere it's a big place and there are a lot of people, why don't you spend a bit of time to calm your self if Aria see you she will automatically freak out I am sure you don't want that.

Leonardo - Your right but before you go get Carlos in here so we can check the CCV cameras.

Alessio - Will do, I know your worried  but no one would ever be this stupid to do something to your kids at an event in your honour with ever Mafia family will our allies with.

Leonardo - I know Alessio but I can't this feeling off now get it done!!

Alessio- You got it Don.
( I didn't take him yelling at me personally, I know he is just worried , to honest so am I, I left the room and called Carlos to meet me.)

Carlos - Alessio What's up and where's the fire you Sounded a little frantic?

Alessio - Shut up Carlos it's not time to play.
The Don what's you in the office Santi and Mike are no where to be seen, Donny is gone, his phone is off.
He needs you  to get into the CCV cameras and see where they were last seen.

Carlos - What do you mean ? "Shit alright I'm on it  I will head to Leonardo's office.

Alessio - Not Leonardo It The Don King of all Mafia's his on  edge right now but he wants proof before he lights this building on fire.

Carlos - Alright thanks for letting me now.
( I headed to the office preparing for explosion that will happen if they were taken )
Don Alessio told me everything let me get started we will find them Don and if anyone has taken them we will track them down by the end of the end of the night and we will skin them alive.

Leonardo's pov - I just gave him a nod my heart hasn't stop racing as the footage plays on until we spot them outside the bathroom.

Leonardo - Stop there they are
( I watch as he slowed it down playing it a few times because it doesn't explain where went Mike went into the bathroom a few minutes after she entered and Donny walked down the hall but he never came back)
Find where they went, they never came back this way, can you get footage of outside close to where the bathroom window is located.

Carlos - Just give me a few minutes to get whatever cameras are outside and any others within the vicinity.
( the only thing I heard was the sound of his fist hitting the wall.)
Don here I got them.

Leonardo - "What the fuck am I seeing ?
( I watch the feed , I watch the boy I took in and love as a blood son lure Santi right out to Donny that traitorous rat and to make it worse Lexi and Diana were there too.
He stuck a needle in my babies neck I saw her lips move as she face the boy she called brother before she passed out.
I walked out of the room but not before I grabbed my AK-47 and I let loose in the ball room immediately gaining every once attention I grabbed the microphone)

"As the Don of all Don's the King of the underworld and you all my allies, here me now my principessa has been taken I want every one on this Carlos show them the Footage.
I had a traitorous rat working for me His name is Donny Tomolo and with a heavy heart Micheal Del Russo my recently adopted son.
Leave now and search for them. I want them both brought back to me alive.
Beat them all you want, but they better be alive breathing and fully awake.

( I can't believe how absentmindedly I just was it only hit me when I looked over at mio Amore my Aria and my kids.
Aria just dropped to the floor crying and my boys had a pained look on their faces with instantly morph into anger at the betrayal of their brother.
As the other Mafia family disperses I rushed over to Aria picking her up into my arms calling the boys so we can leave. )

Aria- ( my heart instantly stopped I can't believe it why would Mike do that , that is not the little boy I know and love )
L...eo....( crying ) pl...ease ....tell me ..... why?.... He ( hiccup ) baby.....
( crying ...)

Leonardo - Shuu..... Amore please don't cry trust me when I say I will find her she will be In our arms tonight so promise you Amore I promise ( I kissed her cheek and kept her close to my chest rubbing her back rocking her slowly as she cried herself to sleep as we pulled up to our home. )

Santiago- Dad...

Leonardo - Not now Figlio let me put your mom down in our bed, we will talk later, you boys just wait here for me.

Santiago's pov - As much as I didn't want to wait none of us did but we pushed our feeling aside because we new are hearts was shattered as we watched our sister be taken but we new our mom was feeling that 100 time more then we did.

Vince - I can't believe that he did that. We are his family and he turned his back on us.
He hurt Santi , he had her taken?

Ricky - I swear when I get my hands on him his dead.

Santiago - He will be more than dead but we also need to know why he did it.
Or why he teamed up with Donny and those two bitches.
I wished we killed them ages ago.
( I couldn't hold in my anger anymore. I picked up the chair. I was sitting and threw it right into the window shattering it immediately.
I then felt arms around me holding me tightly )

Leonardo's pov - After I got Aria comfortable in bed I held her for a bit before I kissed her forehead and left our room.
As I reached closer to bottom stairs I see a chair flying into the window then I see Santiago about to grab something else.
That's when I grabbed him and held him tightly.

Leonardo - figliolo, calmati, va bene, li otterremo e otterremo le nostre risposte. So che sei arrabbiato, lo sono anch'io, ma dobbiamo trattenerlo finché non li avremo, poi potremo rilasciare tutta questa rabbia.

( son, calm down, it's okay, we will get them and we will get our answers. I know you're angry, I am too, but we need to hold it until we get them, then we can release all this anger.)

Santiago - ( I took a deep breath and calmed down )
When do we leave ?

Leonardo - No figlio all of you will not be coming none am I clear.
you can torture but no missions just wait for my call I will have one of the guards bring all for you to the warehouse.
Beside we have to track and find where they are at now.

Vince - But....
( he raised his hand cutting me off completely)

Leonardo - I don't want to hear it, I need to boys here taking care of you mom she needs you more now.

Santiago's pov - I gave them all a discreet look but they knew what I meant we will track him down our selfs and I bet we find them before Dad and his men will.
We all excused our self's ready to Track and make a plan to get our sister back and to drag the sums of earth that took her from us.
At the same time we will show dad we are more then ready to go on missions.

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