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Santina's pov - My head was hurting so much, my eyelids felt really heavy it took me a while to even open it.
I was laying of the floor every thing was blurry I tried to focus, when I looked around I saw I was in an empty room.
I shut my eyes once again hoping it was just a dream and I will wake up with my family but the only thing that came to me was that Mike he ....( crying ) he betrayed us, he helped them , they hurt me and he didn't stop it the same boy who called me little sister as I called him brother.
The one on countless times told me he would always protect me never let anyone hurt me ever and then he did this why?..... just why I can't figure it out.
We didn't treat him badly, daddy made it possible to adopt him and Vince and Ricky he always told him that he is his son blood or not.
I don't even know where I am?
I don't even know if they know who took me let alone where I am.
( crying )
I want to go home .....( crying )
I took a deep breath trying to calm down it won't help me I have to find away out.
Suddenly the doors opened and in walked in Lexi and Diana alone with Donny and Mike who by the way couldn't even look at me.
I wonder why Lexi and Diana are working together they both want the same thing.
The next thing I know is a stinging and burning feeling on my cheek I look up to see Diana smirking at me with an evil glint in her eyes.

Diana- Aww did that hurt the poor baby hahaha that is what you get for everything you did to me you little brat and this time there is no one to stop me.

Lexi - Be a good girl and we won't have to hurt you well as long as your daddy grants all my wishes hahah

Diana - What do you mean all your wishes this isn't just about what you want?

Santi- ( I saw this coming they both want my dad but to bad they can't have him but I know I can play them against each other)
Hahah you know what's funny and weird ?
I never saw the two of you working together considering you're after one thing, my daddy?
And you Donny I don't know what you get out of it but I know you will be dead by the end of it.
Because your to stupid to see how much you are being played haha and you I have nothing to say because your not worth talking about and that says a lot seeing as I talked about these scum suckers ...
( slap... )

Lexi - Shut up you little demon , just shut up.... Diana and I have both agreed that we will share him.
He won't refuse I mean why have one beautiful woman when you can have two.
And Donny here well he wants your mom and we promise he will have her and Mike well that is bigger than you can imagine but his family and yours well they hate each other.
Your father killed his.
I promised Ivan that he could take you for his own use and Kill Santiago the heir after all he will get real heirs from us.

Santi - You guys are sick and twisted  , delusional if you think this will ever work or did you forget who you were dealing with?
I know Mike has brains and as stupid and delusional as she is Diana also has brains but you well better keep getting Botox
To preserve your beauty  because your personality is as dull as a box of rocks and soon no matter how much Botox you inject in your face won't fix the fact that since you have already done it so many times your face is going to melt and fall of your face and then you can make money but making your own show you know one of those really sad and old time me freaks shows and you will be the main attraction hahaha ......
You can hit me all you want but you know dam well you won't get a damm thing if I have a single scratch on me you all should know my daddy by now not to mention my uncles and brother's

Mike - ( I feel slightly guilty but how can I be with and call those people family when they killed my dad my real one but I know Santi is right )
Stop it Lexi , she is right and you know it too Donny if you want every thing to go your way you need to do it smart and hurting there princess isn't they way to go just leave her in the room and send food at one with water we can have her too weak and lethargic because the same thing will happen if you hit her.

Lexi - Fine but you're dealing with her.

Diana - Call your father , your real one we need to get this done fast before Leonardo finds us.

Mike - I will take care of everything just get out of here and leave her alone if you can't trust yourself to hurt her.
( yes part of me will always care for her which is why I truly stopped them and if my father does keep her I will make sure no one hurts her in anyway I will tell him I want her for me , to keep her for getting killed it's far better then the original plan they had for her.)

Santi- ( After every one left the room well except Mike )
Get out of here , I don't need your help so why don't you leave to and join your real family .

Mike - Believe it or not Santi , I still and will always care for you which is why I will make sure no one kills you but you won't be going back to your parents or brothers you will be coming with me and my father .

Santi- I rather stab myself in the eye with a fork then spend another minute with you, you're nothing but a traitorous Rat.
( I watch him grumble something under his breath and storm out of the room, good riddance to bad company , God please help them
Find me fast please ....send them here .... Send one of your Angels to guide them to where I am so they can save me. )

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