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Gemini got up when someone was poking and shaking him to woke him up and he was surprised to see his own mother wearing a big smile on her face while looking at him.

'Mom?' he asked.

Gemini's head still hurts because he was sleeping thinking about how to settle his relation with Ford last night.

'I make a special breakfast, wake up Fourth' She said happily and quickly went out to prepare something to eat, only then did Gemini come to his senses and remembered that his best friend was sleeping right next to him.

He immediately woke Fourth up so that they could go downstairs and eat, and he knew that his parents would tease them again cause she caught them sleeping together.

Fourth also got up when Gemini said he had to wake up because his Mother caught them sleeping together.

Only then did Fourth remember that he fell asleep next to Gemini last night.

Fourth kept rubbing his neck.

'Ready yourself Fourth, Mom is waiting on us' Gemini said before entering his own bathroom to clean his body.

Fourth was dumbfounded at the loss because he knew everything would be more complicated.

Fourth immediately stood up and looked in Gemini's closet to find a change of clothes because he was also going to take a shower before going downstairs and facing Gem's parents.

After a few minutes, the two came down together.

The Lady immediately waved to the two when Gemini and Fourth came out and politely approached the two and greeted the couple before sitting side by side.

'What a pleasant morning, I never thought you would sleep next to each other, last time I remember you were just both kids when you slept together'

The blushing of the two was obvious when the Lady said it was none of them but it felt different if the teasing was coming from the Lady especially and they knew that what she said had a different meaning.

'I am so happy, if you want you can move in and stay here for the meantime fourth I don't mind even if you lock yourself in the room with my son' She continue

'Mae' the husband said but the woman just laughed as if she didn't hear

'Gem and Fourth, you already know what we want to happen to you, I am so sorry fourth if you think we are taking advantage of your situation to marry you to Gemini, but I want you to know that it is not because of problems that we can marry you , this has been planned for a long time, the plan is actually after your graduation with Gemini' explained Gemini's Father.

The Two who were listening quietly, Fourth didn't know what to answer.

The Father turned to his son and asked.

'What is your decision? do you know that we are waiting for your final decision' he asked.

Fourth clearly see Gemini taking a deep breath before answering.

'We already made a decision Dad' He answered

'And?' asked the couple

'Fourth and I already accept the engagement' He finally said

the Lady applauded with happiness when she heard that, she was so happy and stood up then approached the two and kissed them on their cheeks one by one.

'I can't wait for the engagement party!' she excitedly said.

'Wait, what? Is that necessary?" asked by Gemini.