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Fourth tried several times to talk to Ford since they arrived at the airport.
But he kept avoiding him, even Gemini was avoiding him.

Fourth and Gemini are also avoiding each other because of what happened to them last night.

They don't know how to talk when they are uncomfortable.

'Are you all right?'  Satang asked, noticing the silence of the four of them. Fourth smiled sparingly because he didn't know what to say.

He also noticed that Gemini was not making any effort to comfort Ford who obviously kept avoiding Gemini too.

Gemini is guilty because he feels like he cheated on Ford because of what happened to him and Fourth so he avoids it because he doesn't know what to say.

Ford, on the other hand, avoids him because he is angry and upset with Fourth for not showing up and even more, Gemini does not do anything to persuade him. So he is dissapointed.

Meanwhile mark was quiet because he didn't want to interrupt the situation.

'Mark' raised his face to see who called him and he saw Fourth standing in front of him.

'Are you mad?' he asked.

Mark's face was serious and he looked at their companions to check if they are looking and when he noticed that they were busy, he immediately stood up and pulled Fourth to another part of the area so that no one would hear what he had to say to Fourth.

'What happened last night? Do you know that Ford just fell asleep waiting for your best friend' he said emphatically.

Fourth took a deep breath before answering.

'Gemini had no idea that Ford had been waiting for him' he began.

'And why is that? Ford said you're on your way, then what happened?' his voice is obviously annoyed while asking.

'Calm down Mark, I'll explain' he answered calmly and when he saw that Mark was calm he started to explain.

And he told him what happened last night from the beginning until they got drunk except for the private part of course.

'That's it? You didn't even go out of your way to tell Ford?' Mark asked.

'I told you, uncle took our cellphones because he wanted us to bond' he answered.

'What about when you get home, there's a messenger, you have a laptop Fourth' he reminded me strongly.

Fourth became quietly for a seconds because he is guilty on that part.

So he sighed and looked at Mark directly to his eyes.

'I understand if you're angry cause i never made a wat, because I am also drunk, but try to understand Gemini situation, he doesn't know anything and it's not his fault, I try to explain to Ford earlier, but he keeps avoiding me, thats why i approach you and I hope you can tell him, I don't want their relationship will be ruined just because of last night' Fourth's explanation.

After he said that he immediately left Mark and returned to their place. He noticed that Gemini was looking at him, maybe he saw them that Mark and him are talking privately.  

Fourth wanted to talk Gemini but he's really and didn't want to explain because his head hurt because of what was happening today.

He was thankful because he didn't want to talk to him too and he knows, it's  just because of what happened last night.