Servant? More Like Pet

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This is set in Crystallized, and I was inspired to make this because of one of pink_fleure's Llorumi Oneshots, they're good, yall should check out their book!

Anyways onto the story!

Btw the characters are all above 21

[characters: Lloyd, Harumi, Crystal King]
[rating: kinky? Hot? Spicy]


Harumi walked through the Crystal Palace, mindlessly roaming the halls until she stopped in front of the cage room.

Where Lloyd was.

She walked inside and inspected the sleeping blond.

He was curled up, like a dragon, and somewhat a dog, he had his head on his hands.

A sick but weirdly appealing thought slipped into her head and smiled wickedly.

She took one last glance at the sleeping dragon and started making her way to the Crystal King.

"My king." Harumi greeted, bowing in front of him "Ah, Quiet One, what is it that you need?"

"My King, what use is our Prisoner if he's just stuck in his cage? Perhaps we could use him for chores, turn him into a Servant, perhaps?" she suggested.

The Crystal King thought for a moment staring at her "you want him as your servant?"

"Yes, My King, if you'd allow it, he could be quite useful for chores, as I've said." she told him.

"go ahead, do what you want with him, he's your responsibility, but just remember, Quiet One, if he escapes, you will be the one in trouble." the King told her.

She nodded "Understood, My King." the Crystal King chuckled "right, go along now."

Harumi bowed again before returning to the cage room, the blond was still asleep, but he had moved onto his side.

She didn't bother waking him up and just sat in a chair, watching him while he slept.

It wasn't long before he woke up, feeling her stare on him, he turned around, narrowing his eyes as he saw her.

She got up from the chair and wrapped his hands around the bars, watching him sit up with a smile.

"guess what?" she said drily "you've been promoted from Prisoner to my Servant."

He growled "you mean pet." he spat, she chuckled "I guess that's more fitting, little dragon."

His stomach twisted at the thought, and the nickname, he glared at her "and what if I refuse?" he asked.

She laughed "you really think you have a choice?" she smirked "you can't refuse, because you don't, in fact, have a choice about this."

"you do realize I can, just, not do anything you ask?" he snapped, she smiled "with each order you disobey, you'll be treated more like a pet, you'll get a collar, a dog crate, a leash.." she trailed off.

He grimaced, sick to his stomach.

"you are sick, twisted!" he snapped, his eyes flickering from gold to purple and back to green.

"no, I'm just simply taking different advantage on a prisoner."

He growled and turned his head away, he knew he'd have to listen, it was the only way he'd have a chance to escape.

She unlocked the cell after lowering it, he glared at her as she approached, she chuckled at him.

"know your place, little dragon, or this will become much more entertaining for me and wrose for you."

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