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I can't see you sad , my dear. You deserve all the happiness but this pain. But I have noticed that you become sad for useless things.

You trust easily. You love easily and that's why things sadden you easily which shouldn't happen.

You shouldn't be this sad. They don't deserve the love and care that you shower upon them. Its useless. They are useless.

Stop wasting your precious tears for them my love. They don't deserve it.

Jungkook rushed into his mansion as soon as the car stopped on the entrance. His steps were matched by Taehyung who held Jungkook's hand firmly because of how the younger was all teary with those red puffy eyes. 

Jungkook had sobbed the entire time in their car ride which had made Taehyung hold his hand for the entire ride as the car drove silently. 

They were about the enter the mansion's door when Taehyung stopped in his steps. Jungkook looked at him with those red eyes silently while Taehyung felt a squeeze in his chest and he wasn't able to understand why he felt like that.

" Listen to me carefully, my dear. " Taehyung said rubbing Jungkook's soaked cheek, who looked tired and sleepy and in a very bad condition as if he might faint any moment. " Don't panic and try to be calm. Everything will be alright. Just remember that I am here for you. Hmm?" 

Jungkook simply stared at the man without uttering a single word and Taehyung started to worry about him more.

" Tsk! Listen to me Jungkook. Are you even liste-"

" Lets g-go inside." Jungkook said gazing down at their hands intertwined ," I know that you are h-here with me. So...l-lets go." 

Taehyung nodded giving a comforting smile before they walked inside his house.

The place was dead silent. Their boots clicked against the black , shiny floor as they walked in the living room.

There they saw Jungkook's mother and father sitting far away from each other at opposite ends of the huge and long couch.

Their faces were pale and sad. Jungkook looked around and then walked closer to his mother before giving a glance at Taehyung.

" W-What happened? " Jungkook questioned and only then his mother and father realized that someone existed apart from them.

As soon as Bertha saw Jungkook and his state , she couldn't stop her tears. Standing up from her place she hugged Jungkook tightly and sobbed holding him.

Younger hugged her back and patted her back which made Taehyung proud a little.

The boy was trying his best to not shed a tear because he had to stay strong, for himself for others.

He cried in front of because he felt comfortable around the man but he knew that he couldn't cry in front of these people.

" S-shhh....Calm down mum. Calm down." Jungkook tried to relax her by rubbing her back but she kept on sobbing.

" T-They went to bring s-some gift for y-you. T-They h-had a s-surprise , Jungkook.  T-They wanted to surprise you.  O-only if we had known , only if we hadn't let them g-go Jungkook. Only then t-they would have been a-alive. Yoongi and My pretty (Melville) mi-might have been alive."

When Jungkook's mother had called him , he was shocked because he got to know that Melville and Yoongi were going somewhere in the car but suddenly a huge truck clashed with their car resulting in the fall of their drowning.

Jungkook's eyes turned teary again as he heard his mother speak through her sobs.

" But how can this happen? It is not possible to be indulged in some accident like this so easily. Isn't it weird? " Taehyung said as a matter of fact but it was out of a sudden.

" Yes. It is. " Jungkook's father finally spoke with an expressionless and normal face. Men really knew how to handle things on their own when it came to anything out there. Even emotions.

" B-But it was a-an accident, wasn't it?" Bertha said finally paring away from Jungkook wiping her runny nose from the napkins, sniffling gradually.

" Yes it was. But as Jungkook told me , this is absolutely absurd. How can a truck randomly go and bang itself with a car. Did you find things about the driver?" Taehyung asked rubbing his jaw.

All the three  family members frowned and Jungkook asked " what about the driver?"

" Tsk. Dear. Your parents have rivals and so do you, what if someone was behind this accident? " Taehyung was speaking so casually as if he was some detective.

" W-what do you mean?" Jungkook questioned gazing at Taehyung who was standing near the couches with a a little support of his butt from the handle to the couch.

" I mean that , you must check upon the situation personally, bub. Your father and I were good friends in our college and it happened at times when we got news like these only to know later that it was the doings of their rivals. And cases like these are closed or tried to he closed as soon as possible so you must make sure to confirm whether it was actually an accident or shown like one. " Taehyung's words ran across Han's mind and then the father asked Jungkook.

" Jungkook? " Han called out to his son who craned his neck towards him.

" Do you have any one with whom you hold a grudge? Or someone who might hold a grudge from you?"

" I....don't know. I have made sure to be polite with everyone in my work field and Melville too was absolutely sweet with everyone. " Listening to Jungkook,  Taehyung couldn't help but chuckle.

" Sorry..... I am sorry. But , really , my dear? Do you honestly think that being good and polite to others can stop you from having enemies? Do you know the fact that the more you are to be liked the more you will be hated. You must understand that people usually hate others who are better than them. " Taehyung had a point and all of them agreed with it.

" So....what now? We can't let the case close like this without any perfect investigation and we can't let others investigate either for we don't know who might hide what. " Han spoke .

" Hyung will help me. " Jungkook said in pure confidence.

But it wasn't just confidence.  His eyes spoke something else.

Those eyes trusted elder like they never did. For Jungkook Taehyung was hoe the only person left on whom he could rely on.

" I will, my dear." Taehyung smiled softly making the younger smile back a little.

In this darkness of my life , I have found this new little ray of light. I am attracted to it. Its beautiful but as I get closer to it, it runs more away from me. I try to hold it but it blends with the air I try to touch it but it hides away from me.

Why does it like to make me suffer? Why can't it let me have it?

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