Chapter 3.

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[Shane's POV]

After walking for quite a bit around town the sun started to set down. It was nice going out I was getting sick and tired of sitting at home. A few of the town's lights lightened up, it was a beautiful town we had moved in to. 

I remembered something I saw out of my windows. We lived nearby a forest, I got an idea.

Shane: Heey Zoe.

Zoe: Mhm?

Shane: So, I looked out from my windows today and I think we're living close to a forest. 

Zoe looked over at me and her eyes lightened up, I think she got my message. 

Shane: Wanna go for a hunt?

Zoe: Is that even a real question?

I laughed and within seconds we sprinted towards the forest. We were running down a path and was ready for blood. My eyes were focussed on the path and ground. My feet rush over the ground and I could her small twigs underneath me break. 

I glanced over at Zoe before we splitted up and went our different ways. I ran towards a small hill between bushes and high trees. I could feel my fangs stick in my bottom lip as I became more and more blood thirsty. I could hear Zoe running from a long distance, my hearing has improved a lot actually. I heard paws stepping on the ground I ran faster towards the sounds and looked to my left. 

The prey was so close so I took the chance. I jumped towards the deer and grabbed it my it's paws. We fell with a crash on the ground. I called after Zoe and not much later we both dug our fangs into the delicious deer.

We walked back home talking and laughing, lucky there was wasn't any people around. Both Zoe and I still had some dried blood around our mouths and a few drops on our clothes. We walked inside and James was sitting on the couch sketching out some last details on the temple. it mostly looked like a small tent but also like a real chapel. I walked upstairs and washed my self off from the last blood around me. I looked in the large mirror in my bathroom and dried off. 

When I first started hunting I felt guilty whenever I killed an animal. I saw myself as a killer. But I've come to accept it and learned that I am a killer and hunter. I walked out of my bathroom and reached out for a book by James Henry, a story writer from the 1900 century. My favorite century. 

[Joey's POV]

I decided to just text Sawyer instead of calling him, I reached out for my phone on my nightstand and started texting.


J: Heey Soy Sauce.

S: Heey Jo-Jo 'Sup?

J: I'm bored. What are you doing?

S: Same. Can I come over?

J: Sure.

S: Cool I'll be there in five. 

I threw my phone down on my bed and got up, groaning I walked into my bathroom. It had a rather large space. I took a quick shower and shampooed my hair, I threw on my favorite red tank-top and some dark blue skinny jeans. 

I heard the doorbell ring and I ran downstairs. I opened the door and Sawyer walked with me into the kitchen. He walked over to the white cabinets and took out two glasses and filled them with water, I sat on top of the light wooden kitchen counter while he handed me a glass. Sawyer was one of my best friends, so my home was his home. 

Sawyer: So, Joey how's life?

He knew I haven't been the happiest lately, I took a sip from my glass and sat it down.

Joey: I'm alright thanks.

Sawyer: You know you can tell me anything right?

Joey: Yeah.

I smiled as Sawyer joined me on the counter, he patted my back.

Joey: What about you Sawyer. Getting some girls?

Sawyer chuckled and I couldn't hold one back.

Sawyer:: Nah man. What about you?

Joey: I don't do girls.

Sawyer: I know.

Joey: No. Not anyone right now.

I have been very lonely these past months. My friends are great and all but sometimes you just need a little more. We walked upstairs to my bedroom, talking and laughing. 

It was eight o' clock and Sawyer had left. It was sunday. The last day before school began again. I hated school, not because of my friends of course. It just felt like something was missing. 

[Shane's POV]

School began tomorrow. I was very excited considering it's school. Maybe something unexpected will happen. I couldn't wait.


Heey guys! thanks for reading this chapter!!

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Maria Xx

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