Chapter 9.

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[??? POV]

I made my way to Shane's new school. I have been watching him for the past few days now. God has he changed. 

The doors opened and a crowd of people walked out. Eventually I found Shane in the crowd. He was laughing with a very handsome guy who was blushing. 

I never thought Shane would be this kind of person. Making friends? Who is this. I've watched him grow over the years and I know who he is who he really is. But with his heart of course he wouldn't let that part take over him. 

He hugged the handsome boy and walked over to a black BMW. Uegh. 

[Shane's POV]

When the bell rang and announced that our weekend had begun I ran to my locker. I opened it up and threw my stuff in my backpack. I haven't seen Joey since gym period which made me a little sad. I heard Joey's laugh and I turned around. Then I saw him walking around the corner. He was making his way to me and I pretended to look for something.

Joey: Heey Shane. 

Shane: O Heey Joey.

It was great speaking to him but I couldn't be more nervous as I was right now.

Joey: So... can you come over this weekend?

I nearly dropped my books. 

Shane: Sorry I can't. I got some things I need to take care of.

Joey: Oh well. Another time?

Shane: Defiantly.

I closed my locker and we walked together out of the school. Once we reached the parking lot I hugged him goodbye and waited for Zoe. 

_Two Weeks have passed_

[Joey's POV]

The past two weeks were like a rollercoaster for me. The urge to come near Shane had become stronger and stronger for each day that goes by. But you could consider us close friends by now. We always sat outside in between classes and during lunch. 

I've got to known him more and it made me happy that we had a lot in common. He loved to be outside just as me and being active. Luke, Sawyer and Ricky have seen me with Shane when we sat on the grass talking. I think they know how much I'm into Shane. 

When we would talk, sparks would fly and every time our eyes met everything around us dissolved, and there was only Shane and I. 

[Shane's POV]

Joey and I have been hanging out and the chemistry was stronger than ever. I couldn't place my finger on it but I didn't know if this was innocent flirting but it was developing. His friends have noticed my presence and from time to time I could hear them giggle or mock Joey for fun in the halls or while we sat on the grass.

My hearing has improved and I could hear loud and clear. I haven't told anyone but that doesn't matter.

I was sitting behind my desk reading once again until someone knocked on my door. I got up and opened up my door.

James: Heey Shane you in?

Shane: I'm in.

James smiled and left to go downstairs. When he asked me that I always knew we were going hunting. I took on my black converse and ran downstairs to find James and Dan standing near the staircase. As soon as they saw me they were already out the front door. I ran after them and found myself in the woods.

[Joey's POV]

The thought of Shane made my heart flutter. The thought that we had become close friends. Everything felt right around like nothing was bad in my life. I've also told Shane more about me but not about my family. I'd rather not think about it. Suddenly I had a flashback.

''Joey come find me!''. I heard Nicole scream trough the lonely forest we were in. I looked high and low for her but she was so damn good at this game that it was impossible. I ran trough the trees and scammed the bushes to try and find her. 20 minutes after I gave up. ''Nicole I give up come out!''. She didn't answer me back. I started to panic and I ran back to our house calling for my mom and dad. We looked for her but never found her. Days later the police officially made Nicole a missing person. 

The flashback ended and I opened my eyes. The tears were streaming over my cheeks and I tried to control my breath. That horrible day has haunted me for years and I still blame myself for her disappearance. Everyday for that year was hell. My parents divorced, and I had to move and go to a new school without her. 

Since we moved here my dad never mentioned her. Every year on the day she went missing I would always think about her and lock myself in my room. But my dad didn't he would continue working. Maybe it's his way of forgetting. 

The sound of my phone woke me up a bit. I rubbed my eyes and groaned while searching for my phone. I was laying half down on the ground while finally finding my phone. I opened the text.


S: Heey Jo.

J: Heey Sawyer.

S: Wanna come over? I'm bored. 

J: Yeah sure! I'll be there in five. 

I slipped out of my bed and stepped over to my closet. I got dressed in a T-shirt with white and dark blue stripes with black skinny jeans and my white converse. 

I rushed downstairs and grabbed my keys. My dad wasn't home. I closed the door behind me and walked to Sawyer's house. He only lived a couple blocks away from me so that was cool. The air was thick and it was hard to breathe, good thing I didn't bring my jacket. It was always nice to see Sawyer. He is my best friend after all. 

I rang the doorbell and Sawyer opened up the door. We walked up to his bedroom.


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