Chapter 18

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[Shane's POV]

After hours of explaining we decided to stay home from school. One day couldn't hurt. Joey's face was one big mystery. He opened his mouth but quickly shut it again. We explained more about who we were. 

Shane: I know it all sounds crazy and not believable at al-

Joey: No I understand. Really.

He turned to me and gave me a smile.

Zoe: We are gonna get trough this. Damon will teach you more about spells and what not.

Ingrid smiled. I heard a door open from upstairs, James walked down the stairs and looked at us.

James: Who is this?

Shane: This is Joey and Ingrid.

They both waved at James.

James: Nice meeting you.

James sniffed in the air and backed down a little bit. I chuckled. 

Shane: They know.

James: Know know?

Shane: Yes.

James let out a sigh of relief and his eyes slightly turned darker and veins started forming under his eyes. His fangs were slightly poked out. I could feel Joey's grip tightened around my hand. James blink and shake his head, and he was back to his old self.

James: Shane, the next time you bring meatbags over please warn me!

Shane: Will do.

He walked trough the living room and into the kitchen. He was clearly frustrated. I've never seen him like this. The front door opened and Damon walked in. He looked at Joey. 

Damon: Who is this?

He walked across the living room and over to us. Joey and I stood up.

Shane: This is Joey. My boyfriend.

Damon stuck out his hand and Joey took it. But instead of a handshake Damon pulled Joey in for a hug. Damon looked at me and smiled. I couldn't hold one back.

Damon: Nice to finally meet you Joey. I'm Damon.

Joey: You too, Damon.

Damon pulled away from the hug and we sat down with Damon. 

Damon: Have you explained everything?

Shane: Yeah. 

Damon: Good. I'll get you some books Ingrid to help you, but why don't you all go catch some sleep? It's pretty early and I don't think you're heading to school?

Zoe: You're right we should.

We all stood up and walked upstairs. Ingrid and Zoe went to her room. Joey and I walked to my room. I opened up the door and Joey walked in. 

Joey: You have a nice room.

Shane: Thank you.

I closed the door and flopped down on the bed. Joey walked over to me and crawled beside me. He cuddled into me and laid his head on my chest. He is truly a cuddle monster. I press my body against Joey and Joey who is half asleep puts his arms around me. I run my fingers trough his hair and he hugs me tight. He presses his whole body against mine and he drifts to sleep. 

~A few hours later~

[Joey's POV]

I woke up in Shane's arms. I turned around not trying to wake him up.

Shane: Morning.


Joey: Morning.

Shane: You know I don't sleep right?

Shane chuckled. 

Joey: What? Seriously.

Shane: Yes.

Joey: So you basically watch me?

Shane: Maybe a little...

I laugh a little and burry my face into his chest. His t-shirt smelled clean and like caramel. It was nice to have a day off, not only because we don't have to go to school but all that about Ingrid. I basically just got it thrown in my face. But somehow I understood it all in my eyes it was kinda cool. 

Joey: What time is it?

Shane grabbed his phone.

Shane: Uhm about 10AM why?

Joey: Just wondering how long we've slept for.

Shane: Okay then. Do you want some breakfast?

Joey: What kind of breakfast?

Shane: You're so funny.

I laughed softly and we both got up from his bed. Shane took my hand.

Shane: Let's go.

We walked downstairs. Ingrid and Zoe were sitting at the dining table. Ingrid was eating some waffles, and Zoe was drinking what I suppose is blood. I was still trying to process everything in my head. 

Zoe: There is some waffles on the counter if you want some.

Joey: Thanks.

We walked to the kitchen and grabbed some waffles. We went back to them and joined them. 

Ingrid: So what are we gonna do?

Shane: What do you mean?

Ingrid: How am I gonna learn too control, whatever I am.

Shane: As Damon said he knows some things and maybe has a few books? I trust him.

Ingrid: So do I.

Joey: We're gonna figure this out it's not something dangerous is it?

I looked at Shane beside me. 

Shane: Not that I know of but I'll be here to protect you if anything happens.

He took our intertwined hand and kissed mine. With Shane life felt right even if it didn't sound like it. I gotta tell Sawyer, Luke and the rest of the guys. Let them think what they want I wanted to show Shane was mine. I wanted to be able to kiss him in public. Hold him whenever I want. They deserve to know, they are my best friends.


Heey guys! Sorry for the lack of updates but I have been kinda busy lately but I got some time to write now so here i am. And i can say that NOW is where the story kinda starts I have something exciting planned and I hope you guys will like it C:

ANYWAYS also (another) apology for not updating my other story. I just don't have the storyline for that (yet). I kinda just started it out of the blue with no plans and just kinda created chapters in my head and basically wrote them down but i promise you guys there will be coming more chapters of BOTH stories soon and faster than this :)




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