Chapter forty

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"Hey, you." I turn at a familiar voice to try and see if I'm not mistaken.

"Hedrick." He grins at me his boyish grin, calling his two dimples onto his cheeks.

"Why are you walking all by yourself? Didn't someone ever tell you it's not safe for a girl to walk alone?" I shrug my shoulders turning to glance at his pick-up truck that almost had my heart swinging out of my chest.

"Where are you going?"

"To run some errands." I nod my head understandingly. "Well, don't let me stop you, I'm just looking for a cab to drive me home."

He furrows his face. "Going home this early? You are too young to be such a prude, not trying to offend you though." I smile. "Oh, offense is already picked."

"My apologies, get in the car and I will make it up to you." I arch my brow at him and then turn to glance at his truck like the answer is in between. "Come on, small country girl. Live up a little." I smile when he calls me that and then I realize I have a few hours to kill and apart from going back home to read, watch a movie, and go crazy. I have nothing else to do.

I realize why not?
I shrug my shoulders and walk to the passenger of Hedrick's car.
He is grinning at me when he gets back inside. "Was that so hard to decide?"

"You are not a serial killer or something else, right?" I ask once my subconscious kicks in and I realize that I don't even know this guy that well.

He turns to smirk at me. "Don't you think it's too late for that?" I groan.
"Oh God, yes. But reassure me you are not?"

"What would you do now if I was? It's too late for you and the good thing to me that is bad for you is that no one knows where you are." I cry seriously freaking out.

"Stop," I shout and turn to face the window and look outside. "Stop those stupid words or stop the car so I can get the hell away." He laughs at me.

"Gal, I'm joking, loosen up. What do you take life seriously for?" I shake my head starting to regret my decision of joining this guy to wherever he is going.

"Don't give me that look, I'm heading in the city to run some errands for the inn and then I'm showing you something." I nod my head feeling safe then. I was starting to hate his maniac jokes about him being a murder.

"Hey, you grew up around here, right?" I voice suddenly thinking of something. He nods his head without looking at me. "Yes, I was born and grew up from here. Why?"

"So I want to continue my studies, do you happen to know of any good universities around here?" He doesn't reply soon. I think he ignored me as time passes but then he voices. "Good universities are in Kingston but if you ask me, education is education. What do you want to Major in?" I smile sheepishly.

"I don't know." He turns to look at me when I say that. "Okay," he says. "There are like three around here, we could drive to them some other day and see if there is a Major there that interests you. You don't have to worry, I don't think many people go to college knowing what they want to Major in, you would fit right in well." I giggle taking his words in, he is teasing me.

"You are teasing me, aren't you?" He chuckles when I ask that.

"No, I'm not. It's true." I shake my head. "You are lying." I accuse because I'm not crazy. I heard the teasing in his tone.

"You are a hard girl to please, Ms. Khan."

"Stop, you were teasing me just admit it." I accuse but the guy stands firm in denying my accusations and I end up letting it go. He is too defensive to argue with.

AFTER HIGH SCHOOLOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant