my dumbness

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After an hour they both arrived home flasky looked so calm and placid I would be scared to death to meet a girl's father whom I was with the whole night ohh my god what's with this a-n-g-e-l
These creature are no wonder lunatics
"No honey he trusts you the most and he knows you .
He knows every single movement you do and every single habit of you is memorised by him darling...." he conveyed a message
That melted my heart my dad is best he so adorable.... dad I love you
Do you love your daddy too
He smirked
Than I realised
Wtf bish shut up and stop reading my thoughts
It was wholesome wtf movement for Me so embarrassing...
I went into my room
Alaska conveyed message to me
"How are you babe what's up..?"
"Alaska is that you honey you are fine now?"
"Thank your sight well?''
"Yupp darling all fine.."
"I am coming there by tomorrow..."
"Is heven full.."
"No why?"
"Because all the angels are coming here"
"Babe it's vacation time and we visit hell on our 21st year of living
So that's the point "
"Fine.. now I get it why flaskyy is here"
" do you know.."
"He is in our home"
"So I cannot request to stay in your home.."
"Why? we do have space"
"Aree.. babe you have recited the holy book"
"Holy crab.."
"So where will you stay he choosed grim reaper?"
"I and ren are discussing about it and will come to your neighborhood because it's easy to complete the assignment if we get help from demon..."
"Ok then come.."
"Bye now I need to pack my stuff"
My demon fever was on last day I wished I wouldn't hurt or get hurt this day too...
Flash came to me
I craved for blood..
In order to stop Mr from biting him I bit myself I was poisoning myself
Fash came and stopped me grabbed my head and let me bite him on his neck...
Ohh my god..
Why so good buddy ..
"No honey demons bites are so good and it will heal me from my past"
"What past.."
"Leave it let's go to have breakfast"
We went
"Mummy what's for breakfast
Why are you calling my mum as mummy?"
" Mummy see san is scolding me"
"Why san to your room right now.."
"Right now"
I came out...
I saw ren
"Hi san.."
Ohh God his looks are damn good and those eyes..
Make me crave and kiss him hard
"Ohh hi ren you here?"
"Yupp didn't Alaska say anything?"
"Yes she did say that you will come tomorrow"
"It's a prepon plan"
"Good to see you buddy"
"Ok let's have some food "
"So hungry huh?"
"I came from way too far san"
"How about the only greenstuff store"
"Where is Alaska ?"
"She will come tomorrow"
"Wait I didn't say it out loud.."
"Oops.. sorry..."
" can read my mind."
" yes.."
"So embarrassing I just said something.."
"Am I that hot "
"Yes darling.."
"San do you the meaning of darling in heven"
"For real"
"Sweety means "
"That's what we call someone special"
"Oh really"
"Can I eat now?"
"Ok go on I am sorry"
We ate and my heart trembled flash cells me like that every single day.. is he serious..
Nah he might be kidding just playing around..
"San can we go out for some chill "
He bought me the red vine
Which symbolises the proposal...
He may not know
"Ren do you know the meaning of it ren....?"
"I don't wanna know..."
"It just gave me chills"
We then went to the punishment spot for his assignments we also went to amusement park later..
In the end he gave me the cotton candy which means be mine forever....
I thought he must not know about it again..
If it's real I wouldn't hesitate to accept
Come on he is Mr right..
Ren took me to so many places as I was also new to this area of hell.. so I got to enjoy it all....
We came back home so late he was to stay the next door...
I went in mum was sad..
Mum what happened
"You..Where did you go..Honey I was so afraid.."
This was first ever time she said this to me
"I went out with ren no worries mum.."
"Gurl you went to the punishment spot.."
"Yupp it was a part of assignment"
"You know your dad has so many enemies out there how can just go without proper protection?"
"Chill mum ren was with me he can protect me so far good.."
"Ohh good then call him for tomorrow's dinner"
"Now go and rest ."
Flash was waiting for me in my room
I was scared to death by his stare..
"Where did you go this late?"
"None of your business...."
"Ohh really.."
"He looked pale he slept on floor.. I was like what's up with this a-n-g-e-l"
"You are so dumb"
"What? Alaska"
"San he is jealous"
"I don't think so because he is buddy to me the one irritating soul"
"Ohh really"
"Yess "
"Think again"
"Nah I'm clear"
"Alaska.. are you drunk?"
"San you are so dumb"
"Am I ?"
"Who would irritate their soulmate like he does..huh "
Her words stole my sleep...

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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