The Bedroom

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 He pressed her against the wall, with a firm yet gentle touch, while his lips were pressed tight to hers, like a single second of separation would kill them both. Chills went up and down her spine as her arms were wrapped around his neck, only drawing him closer. His fingertips were digging into her waist hard enough to leave bruises; not like she minded. Or noticed.

His lips only left hers to instead slowly move down her neck; slow enough it was almost painful for her. His tongue only slightly flicked out, teasing her skin, drawing a soft moan from her lips. She could feel every beat of her heart as it pounded in her chest. His hands slid under her shirt, so that his hands could meet the bare skin of her lower back. The sensation made her legs start to shake.

With a slight grin, one of his hands glided over her hip, to the front of her shorts. Noticing her red face, though, he slowed just enough to murmur, "You alright, love?" In response to which she nodded and slightly squirmed from her anticipation. Words were stuck in her throat, falling away by the time they reached her mouth; the result was her mouth opening and closing silently.

He gave a low, gravelly chuckle at the sight, and started to undo the clasp of her shorts. "You sure, there, darling?" he breathed into her ear, his voice soft enough that she would have missed it if not for his breath hitting her skin in soft, hot pants. One hand gently, slowly, gave a tug to the bottom of her shorts, pulling them down just enough to reveal the top of her panties.

The action made her breath hitch, and she closed her eyes to try and relax a bit. But she felt fingertips on her chin, nudging her, while his voice whispered, "Look at me, hun." That was almost enough to make her knees buckle. Her fingertips twitched, one hand remaining at the back of his neck, while the other slid down the front of his body to the hem of his shirt.

"Please," she whispered, her eyes looking back up at him. There was a short, brief moment of still and quiet, before his hand continued to tug her shorts down her thighs. At the same time, her light touch started to pull the bottom of his shirt up. The taller blonde chuckled with a slight grin, but complied nonetheless, and pulled his own shirt up and off his body.

She didn't even get a chance to look at him, though, because the very next moment, his lips found hers again while his hands merely yanked her shorts the rest of the way down in one fast, fluid motion. When they hit her ankles, she merely kicked them aside, barely even thinking about it anymore.

His thumbs hooked onto the sides of her panties, just barely threatening to tug them down, too.The slight graze of his fingers against her hips was all it took for her to shiver a bit again, and give a slight squirm. "Hold still, princess," he whispered softly, bringing his lips down to her neck again. Her hand finally had to leave its spot on the back of his neck to instead clamp over her own mouth, not wanting to wake the neighbors in the late hours of the night.

With every kiss he pressed into her neck, he made her panties come down just a bit lower, a slight tease to her anticipation. Both of their faces were flushed red, and both were taking shaky, uneven breaths. She could hear his increasingly heavy breaths, and he could hear her soft, muffled moans.It was when he got her underwear the rest of the way off, and touched on her upper-thigh, that he had to put a bit of effort into holding her up.

The wall provided a great support, though, especially when he slowly slid a finger into her wetness. She gasped and squirmed, leaning her head back into the wall. After a moment, when she finally stopped squirming, he added a second finger; she was doing good at keeping quiet, but when he finally started to pump his fingers in and out, she moaned and wrapped her arm back around his neck, fingernails just slightly digging into his skin.

It was practically killing her, how slow he was going. But rather than move his fingers just a bit faster, he simply kept kissing on her neck, occasionally whispering things like "Shh," or "You're doing so good." His fingers slightly curled inside her, drawing another, slightly louder, moan from her.

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