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Another Life,..

After a year, Logan's grandparents left him. And his other 'relatives' didn't want to take care of him. 'Why can't he just stay where he lives at?' He doesn't have the money.

So he was put into boarding school, where his sister goes to.

'Aurora Coast'

It was a large school.. Even larger than large! He was just new here. He didn't know anyone...  Well, except his sister.

And who is his sister?

"Heeeeey.... Logan... Wake up..."

"Huh... Haaa?!! Who—?!"

"Chill. It's me. Your sister, Quinn."

Ah yes, her name. Quinn! She was calm but not shy. She was around a year or two younger than Logan.

It was the first day. Logan and Quinn were excused. Quinn was going to take Logan a tour around the main campus and other buildings.

'How did you get so excused so quickly?' What he kept asking. So she answered.

"I'm a part.. not exactly, member or the Student Council. I'm friends with the members. Especially the President and Secretary. So I told them to ask permission from the principal, or other professors."

Makes sense.  It wasn't crowded, it was if the hallways were tight. Quinn showed him around the hallways.. rooms.. clubs.. EVERYTHING! It was massive. There were dorms too.. Oh wait, it's the end of the tour.

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[ Ahh!! That was just the intro.. or prologue? Seriously I don't do stuff like these but I had a feeling that a wanted to. ]

[Logan is a School Bus Graveyard character while Quinn is my OC. Mostly, my OC'S will be mentioned in this. What about the other 5? They would also be mentioned very soon..]

— Kon Reine

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