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And just in a blink of an eye. We already got brought into a group chat.
The bell rings. Gotta go to class then.

I was walking to P.E. class. I don't want to participate.. But my classmates were outside the gym. Why though? The gymnasium door was locked. Weird.

I left to check the other classes. It wasn't locked and the students were there too. That's odd for something to happen like this.

I opened the 'Student Council' group chat that I was added into..

The Smart Kids (SC)

Logan - VP
Hey guys? Why are the entrances for| the gymnasium locked?

Parker - A / M
| I would be asking the same for the clubs! Art, Music, Drama, and Literature club are closed! I don't know what happened.

Marina - S
| Electrical Issues.

Logan - VP
Oh. I understand now. |

No way, I am not just gonna stand here and do nothing. Hmmm... Maybe chat in the other group chat? I've only heard of Taylor and Ashlyn this week.
Nevermind. They're offline. Probably in class. Then, I got a notification in the Student Council group chat...

The Smart Kids (SC)

Zylania - P
|AAAAAAAAA!!! Guys! Guess what?!

Trev - REP
| What?

Xander - T
| ^

Leon - I

Logan - VP
^ |

Zylania - P
| Dang why did only the boys reply.. Anyways! We could go out everytime after all the classes!! We got a free pass!!

That's good. I don't really like being in my dorm for the whole day. It isn't tiring though. Second day and no work yet..


I walk out my dormitory. I think I should sign up for the Astrology club while I still can.

I went to the club.. there's not much people, like only around 10? 15? Something close to that. I look for the club president... Hold on.. Wait.. Zylania?

"Hey there, Logan. You want to sign up?"

"Uhm.. Yea... Aren't you already trying to become the Student Council president? Why here too?"

"Because I want to. Plus, there's no rules for that!"

"Completely understood that.."

I said that in a more sarcastic way even though I was serious. But dang..! This place if beautiful. A lot of posters, pictures.. everything. This is cool!

"Want to hangout sometime?"

I immediately snapped out of my thoughts when Zylania spoke.


It won't hurt having a new friend so quick, right? I walk around the place for a bit then left. I guess I should vote for the Student Council members first..


After everything, I walk out the school gates then went to the park. This park is a lot similar to the one back home.. deja vu huh. Just for fun, I climbed up a tree hoping that I won't stab myself with a branch. I took a book out of my bag then just read it. I stayed there for around an hour then I went back to the dormitory.


I stand infront of the door. There was still some light. Quinn was probably still awake. I open the door with my keys then walked inside.

"On a walk, again?"

"Yea. As always. Pretty boring now. Can't even stargaze here."

"True. It's soooo boring! I want to go home."

"But you're an orphan."

"And so are you."

" . . . "


I went to my room. Laid down on the bed. Looked up at the ceiling. 'I wonder what will happen if it fell on top of me..' I thought to myself.

No work to do, no stress. No friends, no fun. What to do now... Oh wait! The group chat. I forgot that I left it on mute.


Pinkie Pie
| EVERYONE!! WHAT Y'ALL GOING AS  ON HALLOWEEN?? So we could all match!!!

|I would go as a witch!!

Ben Ten
| Me as a wizard. Taylor forced me to match with her

Pinkie Pie
| Cool!! Couples fr

That one hot baseball player
| It's still September. Why talk about this already?

Pinkie Pie
| Just to be ready and for fun!! Now tell us, Tyler. What or who are you going as?

That one hot baseball player
| I was going to go as a werewolf but the 'GOOD' twin will force me to dress up as a ringmaster so me and Logan would match.

Cutie Patootie
I am not gonna match with you. |

| C'mon!! It would be cute.

| Only time I would agree.

Cutie Patootie
Ashlyn, you betrayed me.. </3 |

I should go to sleep.. Nah, I'm not sleepy. I want to go to Marina's dorm.. But it's almost 9PM so I guess I won't.

I take my yearly photo album out the go through the sections of the album;

New friends ^
              Love life ^
                     School life ^
                                 Astrology ^
                                          Astronomy ^

I put a few pics in the New friends and School life section. I guess the first two days of school wasn't bad at all. I should rest for the night now.

𝑨𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝑳𝒊𝒇𝒆.. | School Bus Graveyard AUKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat