1 - Camilla

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you know those days when your thoughts completely swallow you whole and you just can't get out of that train of your thoughts, it's really physically impossible to.
that's how i feel right now.
The dead silence and the pitch blackness of the night kept eating me from the inside out. 
I hated nights because of that night.
what if he came back? what if he would do something-
I tried to shut my thoughts out as a tear slid down my cheek remembering that night.
it was 2 in the morning and i couldn't even sleep because of my overthinking.
I thought of doing something else like maybe journaling, preparing my outfit for the next day or even baking to divert my mind off these thoughts.
I decided to go with journaling i'd just journal something and listen to taylor swift.
Oh yes i'm a diehard swiftie, don't blame me, she's just amazing.
I got out of my bed and stifled a sigh.
this happened every night and i couldn't even do anything to stop my thoughts from completely enveloping me.
I went over to my desk and took out my journal from the top drawer.
As i went over to grab my headphones off my bedside table i heard footsteps outside my door.
what the fuck?
The footsteps began growing louder and louder.
was it a fucking intruder? who the fuck was this? fuck fuck. how did they even break in? i remember i locked the door with the key and the dead bolt.
I panicked and I rushed over to my desk and fumbled through it for the knife i always hide in my drawer incase of emergencies like this.
The footsteps stopped at my door as it burst open.
I staggered back and gripped the knife tightly.
It was mostly dark because the light beside my bed was on and i could barely see on this side of the room where my door and desk was.
All i could make out was a figure, a tall and rigid figure moving towards me in long strides.
He had a mask on i think, he was dressed in black head to toe.
I kept backing away as he kept striding towards me, As i kept backing away i hit the wall.
I was cornered against the wall and him.
I started panicking and hyperventilating.
fuck? was this him? was it Chase-
"breathe" he said in a low and deep  voice as he gripped both my hands and pinned them above me.
oh my god, thank fuck it wasn't chase but what the fuck, who was this?
I continued wiggling free and tried to stab him in the hand with the knife in my hand.
He casually plucked the knife straight out of my hands and threw it behind him as he moved closer to me until only inches kept us apart.
He moved his face closer to mine and whispered in my ear.
"you can't escape me, Solnyshko" His voice was deep and danger emanated from it.
His whisper sent a shiver down my spine.
"Who the fuck are you? get the fuck out of here" I screamed as i continued to wiggle free.
"Don't fucking scream or move." he said in the most calmest yet scariest tone ever as he pinned my hands with one hand and moved his other hand to my mouth.
I disobeyed what he said and continued screaming and wiggling, they came out in muffles as his hand was covering my mouth.
He took off his hands from both my hand and mouth.
"If you fucking scream again, it will be my dick shutting up your mouth and not my hand" he said as he stared at me intently.
His threat sent chills down my spine.
would he actually follow through with his threat?
"Get the fuck out of my house and leave me alone you son of a bitch." I said as i tried to make a run for it but he immediately placed his hands on my hips and threw me over his shoulder i started kicking and screaming as he carried me to my bed and flung me on to the bed.
I inched backwards as he began pulling something out of his pocket.
was it rope? it was, what the fuck.
I inched backwards again as he pulled me by my leg as i screamed he held my hands up in the air in a tight clasp and tied them with the rope to the edge of the bed.
I continued kicking and screaming for him to stop but he wouldn't budge.
the fear rushed back in me again as i got reminded of that night.
"Chase no, please don't do this please" i sobbed as he dragged me by my leg and lifted me up from the floor.
He picked me up and flung me onto the bed. he chained me to the bed as i tried to wiggle out of his tight grasp.
My whole body ached from being thrown to the floor.
"Oh yes i will princess, i will fuck you so hard whether you like it or not," he said as he tugged on my shirt and ripped my skirt off while i wiggled and struggled against him.
Leaving me completely vulnerable, naked and bare to him. My shirt was on the floor and my skirt was in shreds. My whole body was on display for him.
"You look gorgeous like this, all splayed out for me, my princess, i want to fuck you so hard until it hurts and until you cry and beg me to stop, but i won't cause you're all mine to fuck" Chase said as he laughed like a maniac.
"don't please don't-"
"I won't fuck or rape you, Solnyshko if that's what you think i'm about to do" he said as he lifted his head up to look directly into my eyes.
Relief washed over me but the feeling went away as quickly as it came as he  continued to stare into my eyes.
"Then w-what are you gonna do? why did you tie my hands" i stuttered as i continued wiggling.
"Oh baby, just wait and watch, i'm about to make you mine whether you fucking like it or not."

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