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I was jostled out of my daze as the ambulance came to a stop and the doors opened. As soon as they started unloading me I heard Austin and felt him grab my hand and I latched on to him. "I'm here Jo. It's ok. You're gonna be fine. I promise."

"These fucking lights, make them turn them off!" I said. They were awful and making the pain in my head and face even worse. Which made me feel nauseous again.

"Baby they gotta look you over first. I promise as soon as we can I'll turn them off." He said walking with me down the hall as they pushed me into a room.

"Mr Post? Dr Helms just arrived, perfect timing. He will be in momentarily. EMS says she's stable." I heard a woman say.

There was so much activity around me it was scary. I felt like I had 10 sets of hands on me at once, poking and prodding and cleaning off my face. Asking me more questions that I answered a lot more clearly this time. It was overwhelming and I just wanted it all to stop. Austin held firm to my hand with both of his and it was the only thing keeping me from losing my shit. "Please make them leave me alone." I said as I felt a tear slide down my swollen cheek.

The door opened and an older man with neat white hair and pink cheeks came in.

"Austin, what happened?" He said putting glasses on and coming to look at me.

"Do all these nurses need to be in here? She just wants them to leave her alone." Austin said first. Looking down at me.

"No, they don't. You!.. stay in here. Everyone else out. Now! This room is private from here on out, if I need someone I will call them."

The bustle of activity stopped and everyone started filing out of the room.

"Now tell me what happened." Dr Helms said as he walked over to me, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"Fucker tried to rob her, pistol whipped the shit out of her. She was throwing up when we got there, busted her open.." Austin said, worry dripping off every word.

"Did you black out..." he looked down at the paperwork the paramedics had left with me. "Jordan?"

"No... I don't think so. Almost. But I don't think I did. Saw stars, my ears were ringing. My head just hurts so bad."

Austin leaned over and pressed his forehead to my hand that he still had in his. Those knees started bouncing.

"Let me look at you, this is probably going to be uncomfortable, I'm sorry about that. We can give you something for the pain, nausea too. Get you a CT scan just to make sure there is no bleeding on your brain... oh. Yeah, I'll get a plastic surgeon in here to stitch this up. He did get you good." He started poking and mashing around on my face making me hiss in pain and I saw Austin's face turning red.

"Pupils are reactive, doesn't feel like anything is broken but we will make 100% sure. I think you just got yourself one hell of a concussion, a few stitches, and an impressive black eye come morning, but I think you are going to be just fine darlin'. We can get you home tonight if the CT comes back clean. Let me go get some tests ordered and call my surgeon. I'll put a rush on it, maybe we can get you out of here soon." He patted my shoulder.

"Thank you.." I croaked to him.

"Yes thank you Dr Helms, sorry to call you like this." Austin said.

"It's my job Austin, you know that. I wouldn't want her seen by anyone else. I'll be back. Try and relax. It will help that throbbing. The police are here to talk to her too." Dr Helms said as he reached the door.

"They can wait. She's not talking to anyone right now." Austin said, never taking his eyes off me.

"I'll tell them.." Dr Helms said as he walked out.

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