POP - 14 - sins

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Lucifer appeared a few feet in front of you, looking awkward and flustered. You jumped back, surprised and spilling your coffee on yourself. You groaned. "Aw, shit..."

"Oh on the seven rings, I'm so so so so sorry—" Lucifer managed to choke out.

"Whoa, Luci. You good?"

He took a deep breath and straightened his hat. "Yeah, just a troublesome meeting with the sins."

A pounding sounded from the door.

"Fuck, it better not be them..." Lucifer muttered as he opened the door.

Of course, all six of the other sins were at the door. Lucifer immediately slammed the door at the sight of the photograph clutched in one of Beelzebub's hands.

"Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck... CHARLIE!!!!! Shoulda never told them I was at the hotel..."

"I'll come in a second!" Charlie called. Somewhere in Hell, Angel snickered. Charlie leaped down the stairs five steps at a time. "Hiiiiiii! What's going on?"

"I just had a meeting with the other six deadly sins," Lucifer explained, "and they are now at our door."

"Uh, what?" Vaggie asked, trailing after her partner.

Lucifer sighed. "Look, I'll deal with them. But in the case that I can't get them out of here..."

"Got it," Charlie smiled, a twinkle in her eyes. "Husk! Angel! Niffty! Alastor! Come help clean!"

"No, it's not that.... Satan is constantly on fire, Asmodeus probably can't fit through the door, Belphegor will be asleep, Bee will be looking for gossip, Leviathan is envious of EVERYTHING, and Mammon is... well, greedy," Lucifer rolled his eyes. "I can deal with it, but this bunch sure is... a handful."

"Oh," was all Charlie responded with.

With that, Lucifer swung the door open and immediately snatched the photo from Beelzebub's hand, blushing. "What do you want now?" He grumbled.

"Oh, just curious about what you've been up to, sir," Leviathan frowned. "Why is this place bigger than my room? Don't you think that's a bit odd? I mean, I'm very important—"

"Leviathan. Quiet."

"We wanna check out this hotel, bitch!" Beelzebub grinned, peeking behind Lucifer. When she saw you, her expression shifted to a satisfied smirk.

Lucifer's face flushed. "Will I be able to convince you to leave?"

"Nope," Asmodeus grinned.

Lucifer sighed. "Fine. Come in. Satan, please control yourself."

The group of sins wandered into the hotel. Asmodeus could just barely squeeze through the door. Belphegor immediately flopped down on the couch for a nap.

"Make yourself at home, I guess," Lucifer grumbled.

The rest of the group wandered to the bar, where Angel and Husk were. "And who might you two be?" Asmodeus asked.

"The name's Husk. Bartender here," Husk shook hands with each sin.

"Angel Dust—da pornstar," Angel grinned.

"A pornstar, hm? Which studio do you work for?" Asmodeus asked curiously.

Angel hesitated before cautiously answering. "Valentino's."

Asmodeus's eyes narrowed with resentment. "Ah yes. The one who constantly breaks the consent boundaries I have tried so hard to set up. Do you want me to kill him?" He asked nonchalantly.

POP - Lucifer x Fem!Reader - Hazbin Hotel FanficWhere stories live. Discover now