Chapter 7

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For being a person recovering from leg and ankle surgery I was as busy as ever which honestly, I was grateful for. Staying busy made me feel less lonely without the guys even though I talked to them all the time and to keep my mind occupied without thinking about the fact I wasn't wrestling. On SmackDown that Friday there was a bit more tension between Roman and the twins but I still played it off as nothing. Nothing serious had happened yet and I was pretending it wouldn't get any serious than it was. I had more of the Wild One Tournament matches that saw an over-the-top rope rumble match with fifteen women which was won by Charlotte and then Asuka defeated Becky Lynch in a hardcore rule's submission match. There was one more SmackDown before Night of Champions and the final matches would be Bayley vs. Bianca and Charlotte vs. Asuka and the winners of those matches would face off for the title. And they only have twenty-four hours after qualifying before the finals.

After anticipating all the drama on TV every week and trying to stay out of their problems and preparing tournament matches, I've been dealing with all the construction going on around the house. I haven't really been enjoying all the construction noises so I often find myself in the gym in the basement the sound can barely be heard there. It is a pain with all the stairs but I manage very carefully. I've been using one of the spare rooms down there for all the wedding planning. After Roman left, I suddenly envisioned a lot of it and have been working on getting my thoughts all down. In the last five days I've been designing my wedding dress, I've attentively picked out the date, I've picked out the color scheme, and the location. I've been talking with Nicole who agreed to help me plan it after Roman and I got engaged. I had a two-hour video chat with her the other night since she wasn't traveling with The Bloodline at the moment. She was surprised I even started thinking about it and everything I'd already had planned. I told her once I envisioned the dress everything was just easy plus I didn't want some big grand wedding. Roman and I had a lot going on I didn't want us having to fight or decide over every little thing. I wanted to draw and show him my vision of our wedding so I hadn't told him any of my ideas. I'd wait till I had everything prepared then when he came back, I'd show him. Nicole talked to me about maybe designing the invitations myself which I never thought about and said I'd give it ago.

I got contacted by the WWE merchandising staff letting me know that some of the superstars wanted me to design their next shirt. I was hesitant to design for someone outside The Bloodline but when I talked to Roman about it, he encouraged me to give it a go. I've also been helping design some looks for Cindy for PLE events for some of the women. I've had a couple of doctor's appointments since my surgery and on top of all that I've been dealing with now having a new puppy which is great and I love him but in my current condition it makes things a little hard. Linda's been helpful with Sergeant I just wish the guys were around to also help out till I got back on my feet. We've been trying to find a routine and adjusting to each other on top of going to obedient classes.

"Why do you look tired?" Roman asked during a facetime call on the Thursday before the last SmackDown before Night of Champions.

"It's nothing I'm fine," I said.

"You know I don't buy that and you also know I hate when you say that so what is it?" he insisted. So, I told him all the things I had going on.

"It's okay though, it's not a problem I love everything I'm doing it'd just be nice to do it with two working legs, and not have these damn crutches, I hate them."

"I should have waited on the dog until I could be there more," he replied.

"No, Chief, I'm glad you got him. You were right it's nice to have someone near while you're not here, it's less lonely," I quickly told him.

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