Chapter 11

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The Color Red

The next few days were rough, I wasn't sure if it was because of what transpired on Friday or because I was so much in desperation of wanting and needing to see Roman. This was now the longest we'd ever been a part and I had to say I wasn't a fan of it. I felt myself more anxious than I'd ever been and I felt my Wild side stirring like crazy inside. It was just after one pm on Sunday and I was pacing the best I could back and forth between the living room and the kitchen as the house was silent. There was no construction going on today, Zilla and Linda weren't home, and Sergeant was sitting there staring up at me as I continued to pace. The seconds seemed to pass slowly and how I got through days alone was now becoming harder to remember.

I froze when the alert came on my phone. I picked it up on the kitchen counter and saw a black SUV pulling to a stop at the gate and with zero hesitation I push the code and the gate came open. I watched until he passed through and closed the gate. Once I saw the gate closing, I put the phone back onto the counter and couldn't move fast enough to get to the door.

I had to be careful going down the steps in the entry way but I was full steam ahead to the front door after that. I got out the door as I heard the SUV being turned off, Sergeant was quick on my heels as I walked the path to around the front corner. My Roman was stepping out the door when I first saw him. He paused when he saw me and his face turned into a huge grin which I was sure was mirroring mine.

"Chief," I said trying to move toward him and once he saw me trying to come to him, he quickly found his feet and with only a few giant steps reached me. When he did, I dropped my crutches as Sergeant moved quickly out of the way of them falling toward him. I reached my arms up and Roman bent down and picked me. I wrapped my arms around him and then my legs around his waist. We held each other and that stress, that anxiety that had felt like an elephant sitting on me lifted off as his embrace and warmth consumed me. Being near him again was a relief that I needed so much it made my eyes well up with tears. I kept squeezing him harder until he started laughing.

"Wildfire," he said and I slowly pulled away to look at him. He looked at me and I leaned my forehead against his. "Did you miss me?" he asked.

"More than I've ever missed anything before in my life," I breathed.

"I couldn't have said it better," he told me and our lips met. It was then that it didn't matter if we were a million miles apart or everything was about to fall apart with the family. He was my everything and I was always going to need him for the end of time. We embraced each other again and then Roman looked over my shoulder.

"Where's everybody else?" he asked.

"No construction on Sunday and Linda and Zilla left an hour and a half ago for Orlando," I said and Roman raised his eyebrows at me.

"I know Zilla and Linda together on a road trip. Zilla has a show there tonight and Linda got a call from her daughter that she was going to be there for a business meeting today and are going to meet up for breakfast tomorrow. They'll be back sometime tomorrow evening."

"So, the house is empty then?" he questioned thinking it over.

"Yep, just me and...," I stopped because just before I could say Sergeant Roman and I could hear the whining. We looked down at the same time to see Sergeant pawing at Roman's leg.

"Hey boy," Roman said and with me still in his arms bent down and picked Sergeant up putting him between us. Sergeant quickly buried himself up against Roman's chest.

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