The Boy in the Mirror

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It was always the same. Every night, their son would come screaming in terror about how the boy in the mirror stole his toy. Every time they searched his room, the toy was gone. The father always checked if it was a one-way mirror, or if it had no reflection at all, but it was just a normal mirror. After a year, they finally just took the mirror out of the boy's room. Then when their son came in that night, he was crying and saying that the boy was angry with him. They walked to his room and saw the mirror back in its place. Scratched onto it were the words, "ĐꝊꞤ'Ⱦ ᛗꝊꝞɆ ᛗɆ Ⱥ₲ȺĪꞤ" The mom was freaked out. "James, isn't this a bad idea?" he asked. "Shouldn't we move?" The dad snorted. "He's probably playing a trick on us Leo." One day, the mom walked into his son's room and saw him playing rock paper scissors with his reflection. The son chose paper, his reflection chose scissors. The mom dropped all the laundry he was holding. "JAMES!" he shrieked. The dad came rushing in. "Why are you screami-" He was pulled by a tentacle that had come from the mirror. "JAMES!" the mom screamed. He picked up his son and ran. The mirror boy let him go. He was afraid, and he knew his place. The other man however didn't. He turned towards the man he pulled through the mirror. "No! Please..." was all the dad managed to say before he was devoured whole.

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