Emoji horror story

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This was inspired by the story https://www.quotev.com/story/14465921/Horror-Stories/11-This. Please go check it out!

The emojis my friends gave me→🧣😋🥄🥬💉🍞

As Oakley was walking, he remembered his friend Perseus. It had been 8 years since his death. Nobody figured out who killed him. Oakley felt guilty. Perseus sacrificed his life so Oakley, Chad, and Arthur could escape Plobia. He felt so guilty. Then he saw someone. It was a person, that was for sure, but it looked exactly like the mannequin that killed his grandmother, the mannequin that chased him and his friends in Plobia. He suddenly saw red. Then it was like he was watching his body in the third person. He watched as he invited the woman to dinner. He didn't miss the blush on the woman's cheeks. As they parted ways after exchanging numbers he was jerked back into his body. He knew exactly what to do. He set out his butchering tools, (🥄) and set the table. After an hour the woman arrived. "Hey, Oakley!" she said. Oakley now remembered she was in his high school class. "Hey, Janaya," he responded, fake smiling. As he invited her inside, he closed the door and locked it. She was too busy looking around his living room to notice. "Your house is so cool!" He smiled. He led her into his dining room, the only room without windows. After seating her, he grabbed her scarf(🧣) and started to pull. She clawed at her neck, choking. After 15 minutes, she went limp. He then went to work. After butchering her and putting all the unusable parts in a bag, and decided to make a burger. After grinding up the meat, he put all the spices on. He grabbed a needle and put garlic in it. After stabbing the patty, he injected the garlic in. (💉) After cooking it, his mouth was watering. (😋) He put it on bread(🍞) with lettuce,(🥬) cheese, and ketchup. After he finished eating, he grabbed the bag, walked to her ex-boyfriend's house, and buried her in the backyard. After returning home, he cleaned up and went to bed. The next morning the police had quite a predicament on their hands. The body of Janaya Smith was found in her ex's backyard while he was on vacation and Oakley Killian was found dead in his bed with red marbles instead of eyes, fiberglass and plastic covering his mouth, and a hole where his heart was supposed to be.

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