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(real life — flashbacks)

━━━━EMAS POV,present day

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present day

ALL OF THE GIRLS RUSHING to get ready for the party left our hotel room and everyone in it distraught. There were clothes thrown all over the floor and makeup covering every surface.

I tried my hardest to clean up the mess I made to ease the pain that would come with cleaning this all up tomorrow. We all spent around 5 more minutes fixing up the last hairs out of place and lipstick slightly smudged.

I lightly brushed up my eyelash that had clumped together and felt arms around my shoulders. Jumping slightly at the touch I turn around a face my sister who brings me into a hug.

"I missed you so much nika and you know that but if you hug me again I think my ribs with break" she scoffs and releases me while kate chuckles from my right.

After we all finished getting ready we grabbed our things and one by one left the hotel room.

"There is no way the elevator is going to hold all of us we're gonna have to cram in if we wanna fit" caitlin lightly shouts over the chatter of the group we all nod and politely wait for the elevator to arrive.

Once we hear the ding and the sound of the doors sliding open we all start to pile into the elevator. I walk in behind Paige and my back pressed against her hip as more of the teams started pushing in.

Someone slightly knocked my feet causing me to trip. Feeling a hand grab my waist and steady me I felt blush creep onto my face realizing it was Paige.

I know we weren't exactly on the best terms but I wouldn't mind if the elevator broke down while I was in this position.

Remembering i'm in a happy relationship and i'm supposed to be mad at her I step as far away from Paige as I can, which isn't far at all, and then the elevator opens as we all file out talking amongst ourselves.

ENTERING THE PARTY the group of all of us split up and Nika and I headed over to a group of our old friends and caught up with them due to the loss of time and all of the fun things we had missed being in the states. After a while of talking I strayed away from our old friends and headed towards the drink table. Dodging through people and turning down a hallway I see two people making out.

Realizing who it was I stopped in my tracks and felt a ping of jealousy. Paige was kissing a random girl she had found roaming around. Her hands glided up the girls body which sent shivers down my spine.

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