𝟎.𝟖 𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄

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(real life and social media)

━━━━ CHAPTER EIGHT!★(real life and social media)

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OUR FLIGHT HAD JUST landed back in iowa after an excruciating time sitting next to kate who would not stop talking my ear off about pre season.

After we all landed we headed back to our apartments and I took a well deserved shower.
"Emmie come here" a groan came from the living room "what do you want Kate?" she peeked up at me and batted her eyelashes "could you please make me some ramen" I scoffed she looked up at me again with puppy eyes "fine but don't think you got away with it just cause your cute"

She smiled "you think i'm cute?" glaring at her I said nothing. I made us both ramen and we watched gossip girl until we fell asleep on the couch.

Time had passed and I woke up on the couch to my phone going off "god please turn it off i'm trying to sleep" I reached for my phone and got off the couch checking the number of who was calling me Seb🤍 I quickly answered "Hi baby" his groggy voice on the other end spoke I returned the hello and Kate rolled her eyes.

"What are you up to tomorrow" his voice ran through the phone "hopefully seeing you, I missed you seb" I hear a light laugh "I missed you too baby i'll pick you up at 11 tomorrow be ready."

We said our goodbyes and hung up and I walked back over to the couch "could you try not to be mad at him Kate it was one time" she looked at me apologetically "I know emmie I just care about you and I don't want to see you hurt" I scoot closer to her on the couch and embrace her in a hug "you don't have to worry about that k."

"Let's go to the movies" she suggested, it was late but still early enough to catch the last one which just so happened to be barbie which I wasn't complaining about I heard it was amazing.

We went to the movies and got back and went to bed. Kate and I had spent so much time together over the past few months I was worried I was going to explode. Not that that's a bad thing just that I need some time with other people and I had missed Sebastian so much so I was extremely looking forward to our date together.

I woke up to my alarm set for 8 and walked out of my room and down the hall to Kate's , peering my head in I see she's still fast asleep I softly giggle and sprint on to her bed attacking her. "Jesus ema you scared the shit out of me" I started dying laughing rolling over on her bed as I fell off and hit my head. It was then her turn to burst out into laughter "Not funny" I say getting up and rubbing my head with a pout on my face.

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