➢ Family

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I'd like to have a girlfriend and eventually get married, have a (one, specifically) kid. If it was a girl, I'd name her Anastacia ( To continue on the branch of A's...My moms name is Alicia, my aunts is Angela, my other aunt is Amanda, my cousins name is alia, and mine is ava) or Ruthie (After my grandma, beautiful soul, really). If it was a boy, I'd name him Sidney ( after my grandpa ) or something, Idk. 

I'd like to move into a quiet house on the bank of a river. Kind of like those ones where you go boating on a river down in Florida (or anywhere, really).

 I'll keep my job until I'm around my fifties, and quit. I'll then shift my interest of writing books to a full time job, and stay at home while my wife works. 

When I get old and wrinkly, I'll either kms (ik that's like gruesome, but I'd hate to feel myself loose my mind and not recognize anything. My family has history of Dementia, and mental illness so I'm not risking going out crazy) or simply spend my days with my wife, living young while old. So basically a quiet life.

Or, I'd like to travel. Then, settle down in the south. Pass by with boyfriends and girlfriends, of all ages ( when I'm eighteen they have to be older than me...no naughty stuff).

 Spend weekends drunk and week days working on the farm, a wild soul let out. I'll settle down with a man who is the gender bent version of me (or just a man with a silly personality and good enough looking), and have maybe three kids.

 They'll live the life I did, on the farm. I'll grow old, and retire my soul to the land.

So basically, I do want kids and to get married. I want to work hard for fifty years and then slow down, and let my soul rest and my mind think again before I'm gone. You only die once, and live many seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades and so on. Waste some of the time testing life, and spend the other working it.

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