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Soooo starting another chapter. Hope y'all enjoyed the last one and after this war ark there's another one planned then a special something something that will end off the book.  ON WITH THE STORY!!!!!

~Y/n pov~

I woke up the next morning on the couch in parrot, spoke, vortex, and woogies base. I got up and walked to the kitchen and saw vortex and woogie had already made breakfast for everyone.

I sat down at the table and started to eat the pancakes they made. "Did y'all make this" I questioned vortex. "Uh yeah we did. Do you like it?" He said. "Yeah it's amazing! Thanks for making them!" I said and smiled. Vortex smiled back and went back to talking to woogie.

After a few minutes spoke came out into the kitchen and parrot followed. "How'd you two sleep last night?" Vortex asked, smirking. I looked between parrot and vortex. Parrot was blushing and looking away, facing spoke. Spoke also seemed to be a little flustered.

Vortex leans over to me and whispered "me and woogie went to check on parrot and ask a question but when we opened his door, when found him and spoke sleeping together". I tried to muffle my laugh, but I just couldn't hold it back. I burst out laughing and vortex and woogie soon burst out laughing as well.

Parrot buried his head in spokes chest. I could tell he knew why we were laughing. After we stopped laughing,him and spoke sat down and started eating.

After they finished parrot said "so I learned that they plan on attacking us today, well more like we're attacking them but still we gotta prepare" we all nodded and vortex and woogie went to get their stuff. "Uh parrot, I don't have anything to fight with....." I said.

"Oh well I'll find you something to fight with and then you can also try to find zam on the battlefield" parrot said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes at his stupidity. "As if you didn't sleep with spoke last night" I said, this time I was the one smirking.

Parrot mumbled something I couldn't hear and dragged spoke away to find me some armour and a sword.
~time skip~
After an hour or so, we met up with the rest of the group we were gonna fight alongside. I was honestly nervous because I was gonna have fight the best fighter, clown pierce. I'm hoping he's not as good as I hear but thats very unlikely. "REDDD!!!!!" I shout noticing red standing over by ash fiddling with his sword nervously.

"Oh hey y/n!" Red and ash say as I run over to them. Red smiles and stops fiddling with his sword. "You nervous red" I tease him a little bit for being nervous. "Ok bruh, you can't tell me your not" red said sarcastically. "I mean..... Your not lying I am a bit nervous" I said looking at the ground. "Oh y/n you'll be fine. And you'll get to see zam again" ash said the last bit in a teasing tone. I looked up at ash to see him smirking.

I playfully punch his arm. "Shut up ash" I said. "Nah I'd rather not" he said playfully. "Oh you got it coming now" I said smirking. I looked at red then back at ash. "Oh uh nevermind then" ash said backing away. I laughed as I looked around and noticed someone looking at me from afar. He had a tail that looked like a lizards tail and his skin was covered in pale orange scales.

"Y/n!" Parrot called out. "I gotta go, talk to y'all later" I said to ash and red as I ran towards parrot. "Whatcha need parrot" I said as I stopped at his side. "I need you to stay close. K?" He said and I nodded. I looked over where parrot was looking and saw clown,branzy,zam, Vitalasy, and subz coming our way.

Parrot turned around and started to say something to the rest of the group but I didnt listen. I was looking at zam, he looked so sad without me. I took everything in me to not run over to him and hug him right then and there.

Parrot turned around and placed his hand on my shoulder. I jumped and looked at parrot. "You good y/n?" Parrot questioned. "Yeah, I'm good. Just looking at zam" I said. Parrot hummed a response and pulled out his sword, everyone followed his lead and pulled out their swords. I drew my sword and started running after parrot.

I tried to keep up with parrot but he was to fast and I was starting to get tired I slowed down and tried to find zam. After a while of searching, I found him surrounded by red ash and woogie. I ran over to them and jumped on zam, hugging him. He jumped and spun around. Ash red and woogie seemed confused but started to walk away and fight other people.

"Y/n? I thought clown had you?" Zam asked. "He did till parrot, vortex, woogie and spoke broke me out" I said still hugging zam. He hugged me back and we stayed like that for a little while. When zam pulled away I looked at him with a sad face. "Nooo don't give me that face please y/n" he whined. "But I wanna hug you more" I whined back. Zam stood there for a second, not saying anything. All of a sudden he kissed me, I wrapped my around his neck, kissing him back. We pulled away when we heard people running towards us. We saw Vitalasy and subz coming over to us.

I smiled, Vitalasy threw his arms around me and said "oh my God y/n, your ok right?" He let go of me and put his hands in shoulders and looked me up and down to see if I was hurt. I laughed and pushed him away. "No vi I'm fine" I said turning to subz. He looked a little left out so I opened my arms for a hug. He instantly threw his arms around me like vitalasy did. After a while parrot came up to us and said "y'know, we're still on a battle field". All of us instantly looked around but saw the enemy team had left.

I smiled and hugged parrot. "Thanks for breaking me out parrot. I owe you one" I said while hugging him. "Nah you don't owe me shit y/n" he said and started to walked back to spoke. But zam stopped him. "Parrot, why didn't you tell me you broke y/n outta the casino?" Zam questioned and I knew parrot was in for a long rest of his day. "Uhhh I don't know" parrot said slowly. Zam started to yell at him for not telling him he had me. I laughed as parrot looked at me pleading to get zam away from him.

After I stopped laughing I grabbed zam's wrist and dragged him away. "Y'know zam you should be grateful. Otherwise without him I'd still be locked up" I said. "Yeah yeah yeah I know. Let's just get back to base" zam said.

"Zam!" Someone called out. Zam froze and smiled. I looked over to who was running towards us. It was the same guy I saw looking at me earlier.



Hehehehe I leaving it cliffhanger. Sorry I didn't get a chapter out the other day I was sick and still kinda am but y'know why not write a chapter while I watch my friend sleep(not in a weird way we just had a sleepover last night and she's still sleeping even tho it's almost noon) anyways I love y'all hope y'all liked the chapter and go eat sleep drink do ur homework. Be good dragonets for me. BYEEE!!!
word count:1325

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