chapter 1

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


The sun was beginning to set low, and all of the windows inside the room were opened, letting the cool air be winded inside as the thin fabric curtain slowly flew in the air.

The twenty-year-old girl named Verena started packing her clothes inside her luggage that was placed on the bed, she walked back and forth, taking the pieces of folded shirts from the drawer and placing them with the rest

in reality, Verena Swan didn't want to leave Forks, she grew in love with the town, its nature, its trees, its weather, and its rain, it comforted her every time, but since she got accepted to one of the free scholarships in a university in Italy, she couldn't refuse

Verena has no money for her dream college, so she chooses to fly to Italy and continue her degree. Charlie Swan, stopped in his tracks, watching the young girl as he took a deep breath and leaned at the doorway, crossing his arms in his chest

" Do you need to go? " He asked, making Verena look up at him

and a sad smile formed. She and her uncle Charlie had grown even closer since she moved into his house years ago when she was just a young teenager. She was seventeen when Charlie accepted her in his house, since Bella, his only child was away with her mother and not returning to Forks for years

He let Verena take over Bella's room for a while, and since it was the only two of them. Charlie sees her as his second daughter, and Verena sees him as her father.

With each day, week, and month that passes, the two never fail to bond most amazingly. Verena enjoyed watching football games on the flatscreen in the living room with Charlie and eating out with him in the Carver Cafe every weekend, and the rest were their happiest memories together

But now that Verena had graduated from Fork's National High School, she wanted to continue college on her own. Verena took a part-time job a few months ago to save up some money, luckily, she got accepted on a free scholarship, and she'll be using the money she saved to catch her flight to Italy.

Part of her is excited, Verena never traveled out of the country before and it's her first time. But at the same time, part of her is sad that she'll be away from her uncle for a long time

"I needed to " The girl replied, Charlie couldn't help but not smile sadly and walked towards her with open arms, pulling her into a tight embrace that Verena wouldn't gonna forget, she smiled and hugged him back

"I'll miss you around here, kiddo, I wish you didn't need to leave, " He says. Verena can't help but not to chuckle and pulled away a little to look up at him

" It doesn't mean I'm not gonna go back here and visit you, besides, Bella's gonna be back, she'll keep you company, and she needs her room back " Her soft voice replies.

Charlie only sighed loudly and dropped his both arms down, he just didn't know.

It's been years since Bella last stayed in Forks, and he knew a lot changed about the girl, mostly their relationship. But he also wishes he was able to be closer back to her like what his relationship with Verena is like

" Are you ready to go now? " He asks and slips his hands inside his pocket, he wishes he could stop his niece from going.

They spent almost four years together every day, and it hurts Charlie's feelings to be left alone once again... Verena walked back to the bed and zipped her luggage, she placed it down and grabbed her bags as Charlie helped her carry them. The two went downstairs outside, where he opened the back trunk of the taxi car, loading her stuff in

Verena turned to Charlie and gave him one last hug before he watched her heading inside the taxi, seeing it driving away until it was lost in his sight. The heavyweight came back on Charlie's shoulder, he took a deep breath and turned around to walk back inside his house

Verena Pov

it was surely a hard time leaving Forks, the moment I arrived at the airport, the taxi driver helped to get a cart for my things, I smiled at the man and thanked him, I paid him cash as I put my luggage and bag on the trolley before walking inside.

I went to the desk and checked my flight, I arrived at the right time so I gave my passport and a ticket to the woman as she let me in, my things went to security first as they checked each of the passengers on the board. Finally, I walked inside the gate and looked for an empty seat beside the window

When I was finally settled in, I didn't forget to massage Charlie and told him I was finally inside the plane. I closed my phone and buckled my seatbelt like what the staff said in the speaker, when we were flying, the flight was gonna take eight hours

I occupied myself by opening my laptop and began searching for any cheat rent apartment in Volterra, the city where I was gonna stay for a while. As I see the picture of the city on the internet, it looks amazing.

Anyway, it took me two hours to finally be able to call someone who rent's apartment in the city, i searched the location on my laptop

and saw that it was just a half minutes away from the university. When it was finally nighttime, I closed my laptop and phone as I kept it away inside my bag. I positioned myself comfortably in the seat, slipping out the picture I have of me and my uncle Charlie

a small smile spread across my face as i stared at the picture for a few minutes before shutting my eyes and drifting to sleep


I DONT OWN TWILIGHT SAGA!!! i dont own the movies, i dont own the original characters, they all belong to Stephanie Meyers herself! i dont own the pictures you see above my story. I only own Verena and her story.

The Unbreakable Words | V. Kingsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن