True Identity

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Selene's pov

I had no clue what was happening to me. How was this even possible? Me shifting into a wolf? For as long as I could remember I lived a normal human life. I don't understand, this makes no sense at all.

What if my biological family were all werewolves? And I happen to take over the gene? Maybe that could be true but I don't want to be this way. I don't want to be a shape shifter or be apart of this crazy world. I just want a normal life once again.

I had such countless questions to ask yet to whom do I need to enquire? Basically I'm an orphan who was picked up from an alley, I have no family, no relatives absolutely nobody to offer me the answers.

I halt, turning around, realizing Draven had quit following me. Now that he's out of sight I want to figure out how to escape these woods and afterwards find the closest town to remain for the night, until I concot some kind of plan to get the hell away from this madness.

My run led me to a lake, it's surface glistening under the moons gentle caress.

"Selene"  a voice celestial and commanding sliced through the air. I pivoted searching for the person but no one was there.

"My child" the voice called, an embrace of authority and comfort woven together.

Alarmed, I shouted who's there?, reveal yourself?
A figure with white hair, pale skin and a crescent moon sat upon her forehead, emerged, ethereal and majestic draped in a white flowing gown, she got off the carriage, moving towards me.
I continued to stare at the woman in amazement as she now stood closer to me.

I was astonished at the uncanny resemblance. She looked exactly like me. Who are you? I asked.
The woman smiled brightly at me.

You remind me of your mother, when she was your age.
I raise a brow, a rush of excitement fills my chest. "You knew my mother?"

"Of course my child". She replied.
How do you know her? And where is she? I asked. Her smile instantly fades away. My child, your mother is no longer alive.
My heart sank, the excitement instantly vanished. I was curious to know about my mother and why she had abandoned me but I guess I will never know these answers.

Perhaps I can tell you, that's if you want me to? She offered.
"Who are you? And how do you know my mother?"

I think you may have heard of me, I'm the moon goddess.
"Oh you're the one the wolves worship?" Yes my child and I'm the one who had created them.

Okay...... So what exactly are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be up there?.I pointed at the sky.

The woman chuckled. You're so much like her as a matter of fact you're just like Amelia, sweet and innocent.
My mother's name was Amelia?
Yes my child, Amelia was her name.

Please whatever you know about my parents please do tell, I really need to know about them, there's so much I want to ask, especially how did I wind up being a wolf?

We obviously have lots to talk about so let us take a seat. She said as she sat on the huge rock, whilst I sat on the grass.

Firstly I'd like to introduce myself, my name is Celeste, I'm your grandmother. My what? I asked
staring shocked at the woman.

Yes my dear Selene, your mother Amelia is my daughter which makes you my granddaughter.

This is totally unbelievable, all this while I knew literally nothing about my true identity and lived a normal life as a human.
Why did she abandon me?

She had her reasons in doing as such, to protect you from someone dark and powerful.
Who exactly was she protecting me from?

From your father. My father? I gasped. Yes my child, your father was an evil man. He was a powerful warlock.

Amelia and Vladimir were fated mates, at first your mother assumed Vladimir was a genuine person with a kind soul yet after you were conceived, Amelia discovered who Vladimir really was, he was nothing but an evil man who craved for more power.

Vladimir wanted to use your power as a weapon against the world. So after Amelia overheard him talking to the dark witches, she hurriedly left his coven with you.

She sought my help. I knew it was the smartest idea to keep you in the human world so that Vladimir won't be able to find you. Amelia had cast a powerful spell on you to conceal your true identity just incase Vladimir or any witch for that matter happens to track you down.

Did Vladimir kill Amelia?
She died because she couldn't bear the pain of being rejected. Your father rejected the bond because he discovered what Amelia had done.

So where is he? Is he also dead?
No, he isn't. He's pretty much alive. He's a powerful warlock who can't seem to die. I've tried killing him but the wretched man stirred from his demise.

That's ridiculous. How is that even possible? I argued not being able to believe such craziness. That possibly couldn't happen? Could it? People rising from their death, is just pure craziness. I wondered.

With magic anythings possible.
Do I also have magic, like Vladimir?
Indeed you do however your magic is nothing like his in fact you're much more powerful than him in ways you couldn't imagine.

How so? I implored, sounding a little curious.
You're a descendant of the moon goddess and your mother was a werewolf and also attained certain powers and abilities and has for you, you're a half witch, half wolf which makes you a hybrid.

Wow this is sure a lot to take in. Me being a hybrid, my mother was killed due to being rejected and my father an evil man who's after me for my power. I sigh getting up and staring at the lake.

I have no idea what to do next? Do I find Vladimir and kill him? Or do I have to keep on hiding from him?

Do whatever your heart tells you to do. If you need anything I'm always here to help you, after all we're family, right? "Yes we are"

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