The Vampire

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Selene's pov

While I observed every move of theirs anger bubbled inside me. I wanted to rip Victoria apart. The manner in which she behaved as if though  Draven was hers, was her mate and not mine.
"I can practically smell the fumes coming off of you". Adrian commented in a low tone with his gaze fixed on Victoria and Draven.

What? I asked averting my gaze away from Victoria to Adrian.
He grinned staring at me.
Why does Victoria's presence irk you so much?
"No it doesn't". I lied of course her presence here concerns me, considering the possibility that Draven might take her back.  After all they had a history of being together.

I abruptly rise from my seat, Draven looks at me with a raise brow.
I'm going to go for a stroll, I feel suffocated in here. I told Adrian, shooting Draven a heated glare.
You want me to join you? Adrian offered.
No, I think I need sometime alone.
Okay but don't go wandering off. He warned. I nodded and walked out of the dinning hall.

The moon hung high in the night sky, casting a slivery glow over the blood moon pack. It was a perfect night for a run in the woods but I wasn't in the mood for a run but instead I have this urge inside of me to tear Victoria from limb to limb.
I slowly trotted towards the direction of the forest. I needed to go somewhere far, far away from Draven and his annoying ex.

We shouldn't be out here at this part of the time, it's dangerous. The voice of my wolf spoke in my head.
I'm not listening to you, you're just a wolf who knows nothing.

She growled. It's you, you're the one who knows nothing, nothing about being a wolf.
You think I care? I wish I could get rid off you but I guess I'm stuck with you forever.

I stopped at the lake which is slowly becoming my favorite place to hang out.
Someone's coming, get us out of here. My wolf yelled in my head alerting me.
I rolled my eyes ignoring my stupid wolf.

"Don't you think it's a little too late to be out here, especially by yourself?"
I swiftly turned around. A pale looking man with red glowing orbs stood in front of me.

Who are you? I questioned staring at the man wearily.
The man grinned folding his arms across his chest.
My name is Andre, I come from the  fang dynasty clan.
The what? I asked, lifting a brow.
The fang dynasty clan. He repeated. It's a clan of vampires.

Vampires? I stared at him open- mouthed.
I thought your kind was a myth.
The man smiled showing of his sharp fangs.

No were not, we simply prefer to keep ourselves hidden and away from the werewolves and lycans.

Then what are you doing here? If they find you lurking on their land, they won't hesitate to kill you.

I'm aware of that but I doubt Draven would hurt or kill me after all he is one of us.

One of you? You mean he's also a vampire?
Did he not tell you that? "No he didn't".

I wonder why he had kept such a crucial part of information about himself from you or maybe he's afraid to how you'd react.

I shrugged. "Maybe". So are you going to tell me why you're here? I'm sure you must have a reason for being here.

I do and it's you. Me? Why me? What do you want from me?
You want answers don't you Selene?
Yes I do and how do you know my name?
Let's just say we have a mutual friend. I'm only here to help you not harm you.

And how will I know if you're lying? Because from what I heard vampires are quite cunning and manipulative. I said.
I assure you Selene you have absolutely no reason to not trust me. I promise I won't do anything to hurt you.

What exactly do you want from me?
The next time we meet I will fill you in with the details right now Someone's coming I need to leave. Before I could even blink the man was gone, he vanished into thin air.

"What are you doing here?" I drew in a deep breath, turning around.
Did you follow me Draven?
Yes I did because I knew you'd be here.
It isn't safe for you to be out here at this part of the night. He said, concern etching his handsome features.

Why? You're scared something might happen to me? I mused.
Of course you're my mate. And what if I wasn't your mate would you still care? I asked.

He stared at me with blank expression written on his face.
I've got my answer. I muttered walking away but then he gripped my arm pulling me towards him.

I always cared about you since the day I brought you here. He claimed as he gazed deeply into my eyes.
You do? I asked sounding surprised.
Yes I do. He replied slowly bending down to my level. My heart began to pound wildly against my ribcage, his proximity was making me nervous.
His lips slowly brushed over mine, his minty breath fanned against my face.
"Draven?" a voiced called out startling us both. I mentally rolled my eyes feeling infuriated. Was she following him?

He created some distance between us and turned around with his back facing me.
Yes Victoria? He answered.
What are you doing here? I've been searching the entire palace for you.

Draven turned towards me. Come on let's go. He said as he gently gripped me by my wrist.

You could've least informed me you were going for a stroll. Victoria said as she leaned on Draven.
I abruptly pulled my hand from his grasp and began walking ahead of them.

Once we reached the palace Draven stopped me. "Selene wait"
I turned around. What? I hissed.
Victoria could you give us a moment? I need to have a word with Selene.
"Oh sure I'll be in your bedroom, waiting". She said, placing a kiss on his cheek.
I clenched my fist, glaring at her. She's beginning to get on my nerves.

As soon as she had left Draven pulled me into the living room. It was quite late so it meant everyone was asleep.
So what do you want to talk about? I asked.
Who were you talking to in the woods? Just before I could come.

No one. Why?.
Are you lying to me Selene?
No I'm not I was having a conversation with my wolf so you must've assumed I was speaking to someone else. I lied.

You're lying again. When are you ever going to trust me?
Trust you? I scoffed. Are you kidding me? After everything you've done to me, you ruined my life Draven and I will never forgive you for what you've done.

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