seating plan || w.s

252 6 15

your pov

i think it's cuz me and friends talked too much in class, cuz when we walked in on friday, mr cane had a seating chart on the board.

i groan at the sigh of it. i guess that's what he thought our reaction would be, because he was smiling.

i finally look at the board to see where i would be sitting. holy shit. not him...

but unfortunately it was with him. with walker scobell.

me and walker had... history. we didn't exactly date, but we had a talking stage that failed miserably. i still regret it when i accidentally stumble upon my old messages with him.

i guess mr. came also knew about it because he thought it was perfect for us to be sitting together.

i silently pray for walker to be away today, and every other day, hey he can even switch courses idk!

when the bell rings, it feels like my prayers have been answered, but then he walks in late and i want to cry.

he looks at the board, then at me. i try to look away- not notice him, as he sits down next to me. but his eyes are on my the whole time. i try my best to pay attention to the lesson, i guess mr. canes plan worked.

when the teacher finishes explaining the class work for today, i get up to go be with my friends, when walker pulls me down.

"partners?" he asks. i look at him then at my friends. i've never been able to say no.

"sure" i say and sit down next to him. i pull out my airpods, putting one in my ear and pass it to walker. he stared at them for a second before taking it.

just like old times.

"what do you wanna listen too?" i ask

"whatever you want." he mumbles "but probably y/fa."

(y/fa = ur fav artist)

don't do this to me i think. he still remembers my favourite artists..

i play normal girl by sza and we start doing the work. it honestly felt nice to have him back again. i know that the talking stage was bad, so i just cut to the chase.

"walker" i ask, dropping my pencil.


"do you still like me?"

"what? noo" he pauses for a second, going red, before he says "yea-yea i do"

"i know the talking stage was terrible. but i'm willing to give us a second shot, if you want to" i mutter.

"i'm ok with it" he smiles. my heart just melts again when i see his smile. "but we already know like everything, about each other, so maybe i was thinking you would like to be my girlfriend?" his voice gets quieter as he says the last couple words.

even though i heard him just fine, i ask him to repeat it.

"shut up" he shoves me "you know what i said."

i laugh at him. what even was us if he didn't tease each other every second of the day.

"i'd like that.." i grin.

this was based on true events till the talking started

walker scobell || imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now