Chapter 1

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May 8th, 1956, was not the usual, typical day in Detective Katsuki Bakugo's life. His temper issues were well-known, and people knew to tread lightly around him. However, today was not a regular day; instead, Chief had assigned him a new investigating assistant. The thought of having to supervise someone was enough to set him on edge, and his large frame stomped to the Chief's office. He knocked hard on the door.

Katsuki stormed into the Chief's office, letter in hand, ready to unleash his vitriol. He hurls the paper at Chief Aizawa's face, not even waiting for him to answer. The Chief remains unphased by the paper's impact; he's seen worse from Katsuki and isn't surprised by his antics. He barely looks up from his work as he addresses the detective.

"Oi! Why am I getting a new assistant?!"

"I'm assigning you a new investigating assistant because you've been understaffed for too long," Chief Aizawa replied calmly, not even flinching as the letter hit his face. "And I know you don't have the best people skills," he added begrudgingly. His answer only served to fuel Katsuki's anger.

"What can I expect from this assistant? What are their qualifications?" Katsuki asked in a sharp tone, his anger still simmering.

"You will get a helping hand that can streamline your workflow and ease the burden of solo investigations," Aizawa replies calmly. He knows that Katsuki needs help, even if the detective would never admit it. Plus, it's always good to have backup. Aizawa knows this better than anyone. But it's clear that Katsuki isn't buying what he's selling.

"Is this assistant experienced?" Katsuki asks, his tone still laced with anger. He doesn't want a newbie who will slow him down. He wants someone who is capable and knows the job inside-out. Aizawa responds promptly.

"They are experienced; I would not assign just anyone to an elite detective such as yourself," Aizawa answers with a subtle note of sarcasm.

"How experienced?" Katsuki barks, his patience already at a breaking point. He's not going to just take the Chief's word for it; he wants to know every detail. Aizawa doesn't seem bothered by the detective's prickly demeanor.

"They have at least three years of experience in this field, and they have successfully completed investigations on numerous occasions," Aizawa answers smoothly.

After Aizawa explains the details of the assistant's expertise, Katsuki's face remains stony. He doesn't look thrilled about needing additional help, but he knows that Aizawa is doing this for his own benefit. The detective grits his teeth and mutters something under his breath, but Aizawa doesn't catch it. All he can manage in response is a wry chuckle before he goes back to his work.

"Didn't think you would be," Aizawa says under his breath, taking another sip of his black coffee.

Kirishima's mocking voice echoed throughout the office space.
"Hey, Bakubro, heard you were getting a new assistant." he said, teasing and grinning widely at his best friend.
Bakugo scoffed and sat down at his desk with a annoyed grunt, "Shut up, weird hair!" he snapped, his temper getting the better of him once more.
Kirishima smirked as Midoriya walked behind Bakugo, patting him on the back in the typical friendly manner that he always seemed to show.

"How do you even know that?" Bakugo asked gruffly, his fists balled up on his desk.

"Word gets around faster than an explosion could ever hope to," Kirishima replied, his usual cheerful attitude still in full force.

Midoriya chuckled as he walked past Bakugo. "Try to be nice to them, Katsuki. They might help you out in the long run," he said kindly.

Bakugo grunted. "Yeah, right," he scoffed. "Besides, I've been working solo for years. I don't need help from some newbie."

The Death of Peace of Mind (Katsuki Bakugo X OC AU) Where stories live. Discover now