you were

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I'm going nowhere.

Good. Because being alone is the last thing you need right now.

Levi only pulls away after your tears stopped flowing. Carefully lifting your head up, he locks his ethereal eyes with yours. "Did they hurt you?"

Did they? "No, not physically at least." you force out. He brushes his hand over your head one last time before collecting your shirt that's lying on the ground next to you.

Levi gently pulls it back over your head. "Can you stand? If not, we'll just wait until you can." You shake your head. "It's okay." He helps you up to your feet, keeping an arm securely wrapped around your shoulders.

"Hange is blacked out. Erwin is waiting at the bus station." You hum in response.

"I'll call Carla and tell her what happened. She'll get you back to camp before the others arrive." You nod, silently thanking him. You wouldn't want the whole entire camp to know what just happened. Hell, you don't want anyone to know. Levi seeing you at such a vulnerable state is enough.

Levi tells you to wait just a bit longer and then proceeds on calling Carla to tell her what happened.

Even though the phone is not on speaker, you can make out the panic in her voice. She tells Levi to bring you to the bus station whilst she'll call Nifa, the leader of section one, to bring you back to camp.

"We still have an hour until ten o'clock." Levi tells you after hanging up. "Good to go?" You nod.

Walking out of the lonely alley back into the drunken crowd of people is hard. You're sure you look like a mess; your makeup is most likely smudged from crying and your hair is all over the place.

However, people don't pay attention to you and Levi.

He still has his arm wrapped around your shoulder, making himself your physical (and emotional) anchor. You don't know what you'd do without him at this point.

Finally arriving at the bus station, you can see Erwin and Hange, who's passed out on a bench. The second Erwin sees you and Levi, relief settles over him.

But it vanishes almost immediately as he sees the exhausted expression on your face. You turn your gaze to the ground.

"What happened?" Erwin asks, but you can't bring yourself to answer. You don't want to cry again.

Levi eyes him with an 'I'll tell you later' look to which Erwin nods in understanding.

Levi sits you down on the bench next to your passed out best friend. All you've got to do now is wait for Carla and Nifa to show up.

And she does, only three minutes later. When she reaches you, she takes both of your hands in hers. "I'm so sorry this happened to you, Faith. Nifa should be here any second. Do you want someone to come with you or are you okay on your own?"

You ponder whether or not you should ask someone to come with you. Hange is asleep and Erwin doesn't even know what happened. The only one who's witnessed it all is Levi.

You turn your head to him, and he nods even though you haven't said anything.

"Okay then. Levi, stay with her. Erwin and Hange- oh." Carla stops her sentence when she notices Hange passed out next to you. Did she not notice before? "Anyway, Erwin, take care of Hange. I'll see the four of you at camp."

Nifa arrives as soon as Carla ends her sentence. She rushes out of the car. "Are you okay? Did they do anything to you?" You deny her question by shaking your head no. "I'm okay." She sighs out in relief. "Oh thank god,"

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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