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The Book and Runa's Conclusion

"Your book was full of information about this world, especially this empire..., the Teriatania." I said while putting the book down on the table. Runa stared at it for a moment before reaching it and started reading it.

A moment of silence covered the whole room, only the flipping pages of the book could only be heard but I was busy observing Runa's reaction. After finishing the book, she let out a big sigh before closing the book.

"This isn't my book." she said and brought out something from her bag, "Here's MY book." she put her book besides my book and I tried to compared it.

I saw something inside the blue stone, it was like a mosquito larva..., the movement of light is too weird! and yet...,

'It's too fascinating....'

"So? What's the difference?" Runa asked and I pointed out the weird larva-like lights inside the blue stone but she looked at me with a question mark on her face.

"Didn't you see the larva-like light?" I asked but she shook her head as an answer. I sighed before explaining, "I saw a larva-like light..., they kept moving inside the stone. Are you sure this book isn't yours?" I asked while pointing at the book with the same cover of her  book and she nodded.

"Yeah. The book I gave you is one of the limited edition books I released." she said, and honestly, I just accepted her explanation.

A moment of silence echoed in the room. A lot of thoughts and questions flooded my mind. A questions like, "Why it has to be me?", "Why did they chose me?", "Why..., of all bodies, it has to be a lady with bad reputation?", "Why my story now is too cliche?", and...,

'Why am I still curious about Mirelle?'

"Hey, Runa..., You see, I'm still confused about Mirelle's power..." I said and she looked at me with a questioning look before sighing.

"Do you want me to call Mirelle?" she asked. I hesitated for a second before shaking my head.

I have lots of thoughts and questions. I want an answer right now.

"No. Actually, I overheard Mirelle and Dantalion's conversation. A week after I came..., Mirelle decided to talk to me about the reason why I came here." I said and with confusion written on my face I continue to tell what happened, "After that, I think a day or two has passed and they talked about me. She said that when she hugged me she saw my past but I heard that Mirelle's Peculiar is trauma. Which was explained by Danti that she cannot inflict trauma but when a person with trauma had a contact with her skin she will see the past and future of that person within a split second. Isn't that contradicting?" I said and let out a big sigh.

Runa looked at the ceiling before letting out a big sigh and smiled at me.

"I think she got confused." she said while still smiling, "I did not expect that I will meet someone who's rare as her." she whispered and I just stared at her with my face that still looking at her with confusion, "Crescente, do you know what peculiar is?" she asked and I nodded.

"Well, based sa story mo na Love, Pain, and Hate..., it was like our body's sixth sense." I answered and she nodded proudly.

"That's true. Let me explain it again." she stopped for a bit to drink some tea, "Well, the Mahikan Body is quite different from the Earth Body. Inside the Nervous System of a Mahikan Body, there is what we call peculiar. Peculiar is like the sixth sense of the body, usually there are five senses but in the Mahikan Body, it is usually six. When there is a person that can use both of their parents peculiars, they are called the Seventh." she explained, "Let's say in this empire there were more than 10 million people. Only 10 people can use two peculiars." she added.

"I see. If she can really use two peculiars, how come she got confused? I mean, isn't it usually a 50 percent since she got both of her parent's peculiar?" I asked.

"Hun, you see..., there is a 5% chance that someone in this world were born with 2 peculiars. Usually, the one who is dominant is the only one they can use. If she was confused by that..., maybe there is 25% chance that she also inherited another peculiar which makes the trauma peculiar only 75%." she answered that's why I sighed as a sign of defeat.

"That doesn't make sense." I mumbled.

"That's why the world is interesting in its own ways." she answered.

And with that the day end a little bit well. Some of my question was answered, especially the part that Ranri has a step-sister which in my story was never existed.

Currently, we're in the middle of dinner. My little peanuts were the one who prepared the dinner while Runa and I have our conversation. Dantalion was silently eating, while Ranri, Mirelle, and Runa talks about the latest gossip, and Keon and Ikecin were talking about swords and magic. I smiled and stared at them while eating.

"You're creepy." Danti said and I glared at him because of that.

"You're too quiet."

"Whatever. How's your feeling?" he asked and I looked at him with a genuine smile on my face.

"I'm fine. How about you?" I asked and he also smiled at me.

"Much better than before." he answered.

The two of us continued to eat quietly and looked at them with a proud look on our eyes.

After almost 30 minutes, all of us finished what we were eating. Runa, on the other hand, said her goodbyes to us. She also left a magic tool for our communication which looks like a phone.

I got back to the meeting room to retrieved the book I left when we were called to eat by Keon. While walking towards the meeting room's door, I felt something different. Something was circling around me..., and it was the same light I saw before I died!

I ran towards the door and opened it.

And there...,

I saw an unfamiliar figure...

A hair that is white as snow..., with the lights that keep circling around his body..., and a weird clothing that is pure white with blue linings on it.

"Who are you?"


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