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(Y/N) was sitting at her desk, casually listening to the professor. She was always quiet, in fact she deemed herself as an outcast.

And as soon as the bell rang, she quickly packed her things and made her way for the door.

She ignored everyone. She was socially bland-boring even. Though she did not care.

She proceeded on going to the cafeteria. She pushed her way through the crowd, suddenly catching a glance of three familiar boys. She diverted her gaze away from them immediately, unaware of the stare that the three gave back.

(Y/N) found an empty classroom and sat on one of the seats. She ate silently, keeping her gaze down the food she was eating.

'When will all of this gonna end..?' She thought, obviously tired of how the world functions around money and money only.

She then heard faint footsteps walking towards her direction, turning her head to see...Rin.


Rin noticed the brief glance (Y/N), immediately recognizing the girl. He excused himself from his friends, going towards (Y/N)'s direction and observing her from afar.

He noticed the way she so subtle, so quiet. She looked mysterious to him-ethereal even. He wanted to find out more about her.

He managed to follow the girl silently, seeing her go inside an empty classroom and peacefully eating.

'Fuck... my heart's beating so fast.." He thought. He wanted to talk to her, get to know her. And not before long, he was already walking towards the girl.

"Hey," He said casually his voice as bright as (Y/N) remembered. He then sat across her, his eyes focused on her (E/C) orbs as her eyes lidded so beautifully.

'Woah..' He thought to himself, his heart beating rapidly. He didn't know why but he liked the idea of being around her. It was a rare feeling for Rin, but he brushed it off of his mind.

"Oh, hello." (Y/N) responded, giving Rin a small smile. "Rin, right..?"

Rin nodded, then also returning the smile the girl gave him. "Yes.." He let out. "By the way, you never told me your name."

"(Y/N)..(Y/N) (L/N)." She told the man.

Rin couldn't help but feel delighted with the girl's presence as his heart beat rapidly.

They chatted with each other, feeling some kind of small bond forming. They bid each other farewell, both of them heading towards their respective classes.

As Rin sat on his desk, his mind kept consisting (Y/N). He wondered what is it within her that made him approach her? What is it that made him notice her?

'Well I'm surely going to find out..' He thought to himself, unaware of the small grin that crept on his face.


A paintbrush stroked a canvas, letting it run down gracefully. The painter kept on doing so, the moonlight shining against his face and his painting.

Jin smirked, letting the paintbrush fall to the ground letting some of the paint splatter on the ground.

"Well, it's been so long...(Y/N)."

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FRAGILE  [ YANDERE X FEM READER ]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora