Chapter 1: Introduction

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Mc Pov:

"I hate this f*cking game so much!!!", playing on labs makes me so frustrated, with how many cheaters are running around on the game, the Labs are filled with those f*ckers.

After 8 years of development.... 8 F*cking years!!!!, they still haven't fixed the cheater's problems that were plaguing this spaghetti code of a game, I lean back to my gaming chairs and take a swing of an energy drink to relax my mind.

"agh, my 1 mil rubble kit is wasted instantly like that", I can only groan helplessly, 3 years of playing this game make me want to kill myself, but at the same time, I really can't leave this game.
The first time I played this game, I couldn't help to fall in love with the game atmosphere, the lore, and the gameplay loop that made me always come back for more.

Even with the tons of bugs, glitches, and cheaters inside the game, I still keep playing it and staying on late at night to grind my hideout to the highest level, but how many cheaters running my raid only makes me want to shoot myself.

*Knock* *knock*

A sudden knock on the door surprised me from my mind, I stood up from the chair and walked toward the door, and when I opened the door I saw my roommate in front of me with an annoyed face.

"Hey Alex, you okay dude? I heard you screaming from my room", with a guilty feeling from waking up my friend late at night I apologized to him.

"ah it's nothing dude, sorry for waking you up late at night", my roommate just sighed in exasperation.

"Can you at least keep your voice down? and why do you even stay on all night anyway?", he looked into my room to see a ton of energy cans and a ton of pizza boxes scattered around my room.

"at least clean your damn room man, you living like a Discord moderator", I just shrug his comment away nonchalantly.

"yeah yeah, whatever dude, I'll clean my room tomorrow morning...after I'm done with my game", my friend can only shake his head in disappointment.

"You know, staying up late at night and drinking those energy drinks every day is not healthy right?", he looked at the energy that I holding right now.

I ignore his comment about my habit and keep drinking the energy drink without any care in the world, "Ahh, potato-potato, I've been doing it for a year and I'm healthy Af, don't worry about it", I dismiss his point and he gave up lecturing me.

"yeah whatever you say, Alex, just keep your voice down, I have to go to college tomorrow morning". he yawns from unfulfilled nights of sleep and starts to go back to his room.
"yeah sure, I'll just go back to my games, have a good night dude". he only responds to me with a lazy hand wave while he closes my room door.

as my roommate left the room, I drank the leftover energy drink in my hand.
*gulp* *gulp* "Ah that's hit the spot", the sweetness of the energy can keep me from sleepiness and keep me going throughout the night, I go back to my chair and go back to my monitor screen.

I close the death screen and go back to my hideout to gear up my PMC after I'm done gearing up with decent gear I choose to play at the ground zero maps again, as the game loads up the map I grab another energy drink from the small fridge below the desk.

I cracked open another can of energy drink, I saw my PMC character on the loading screen and wondered, 'How does it feel like to live inside Tarkov? does it feel fun that you can do anything there as a scav and goof around with other scav or be a badass PMC and do their mission inside the exclusion zone while getting rich at the same time?', ignoring the fact they are trapped there in a lawless city without any support and just trying to survive the chaos inside the city, I don't care about it much.

removing my outlandish thought about being in Tarkov, I took a sip of the energy drink, and a rush of exhilaration surged through me as the caffeine made my heart pump to get ready to play another raid, But as quickly as it came, a sharp pain gripped my chest, as if a vice was squeezing my heart. Panic set in as my heart raced faster than before, each beat feeling like a drum in my ears.

I dropped the can from my hand and the noise of the drop was lost in the chaos of my thoughts. My vision of the monitor screen blurred, the room spinning out of control. I struggled to breathe, my chest tight and constricted. cold sweat broke out on my brow and my body began to feel weak.

I Collapsed to the ground from my chair, and the world around me faded. The sounds around me became muffled and distant. I fought to stay conscious and tried to call my roommate for help, but darkness crept at the edges of my vision. At that terrifying moment, I knew—I was having a heart attack, the last thing in my sight was the screen monitor, showing the countdown of entering the raid, and as the countdown reached zero I closed my eyes while my heart suddenly stopped. Not knowing the monitor screen shines brightly inside my room and slowly dims its light before showing bold text on the screen saying [Добро пожаловать в Тарков] as the monitor screen turns off automatically and leaving Alex lifeless body inside the room.

[Change location]
Current location: Alleyways, unknown
Time: 01:30 PM

my eyes suddenly opened up and a gasp came from my mouth with a sudden air coming through my lungs, I coughed in pain and tried to get up from the ground. As the pain was already gone, I noticed my surroundings change as I tried to collect my thoughts from the sudden awakening.
"w-where am I?", I looked around to see that I was in an alleyway, confusion started to come to me because I was in my room just now, but a realization hit me like a truck "Didn't I just die from a heart attack? what the f*ck???".

I try to rationalize myself what just happened, 'Okay Alex, calm down, you just playing Escape from Tarkov in your room and suddenly died from a heart attack, and now I'm in an unknown place only with my hoodie, sneaker shoes, and sweatpants .... did I just get isekaied or something?', while I tried to figure at my surroundings an explosion sound and gunfire surprise me from my thought, 'Am I in Detroit right now ?..... did I just isekaied to Detroit!?!?'.

with no sense of where I am, I investigate the source of the sound, I walk through the alleyways toward the ensuing gunshot, and the closer I get to the source, the louder the gunfire is. when I got to the end of the alleyways towards the street a stray bullet hit a building wall on the right in front of me, in a panic I threw myself toward the dumpster and hid behind it.

the gunfight is happening in front of me, I hear a dozen footsteps passing near the alleyway, I try not to move or make any sound because I am still confused about the current situation and I don't want to get caught in the crossfire between their gunfire after the footsteps getting further from my position, I take a peek around the dumpster and see a street riddled with dead bodies everywhere, it seems a riot is happening on the city.

I hold myself from throwing up at the sight of carnage in front of me and steel my heart, "Ugh, what the f*ck happens here", as I look around at the dead bodies, many of them are civilians, and one of them wearing some sort of camouflage uniform with a chest rig and armor vest, and besides him is a gun that is familiar to me, An AK 103, a modern standard assault rifle chamber in 7.62x39, that used by the Russian army force, I only can conclude that I'm in some city on Russia, why do I know that? well, the obvious street and store signs are written in Russian, and the dead soldier just proves my theories even further, but the question is what part of Russia I'm currently in?, 'I'll try to figure it out later, for now, I have to find a safe place to hide from the chaos that happening right now'.

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