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It was the last day on set and we were filming the chariot scene. Me and Leah were filming the race scenes which was cool as we just had to hold on to a fake chariot.

Me and Leah hadn't spoke much since the... kiss. It was weird to film our scenes and then make our separate ways. Though, I have to admit- I was the one walking away.

Leah kept trying to talk to me but I would make dumb excuses of why I had to leave.

"CUT!" The director said as we finished winning scene. " HEY WALKER LEAH COME OVER HERE!"

Silently, me and Leah walked over to him .
" What's up." I say.

"You guys are aware the cheek kiss is next right?"

Damn. I had genuinely forgotten. I think I tried to block it out of my mind.

"Oh right." I said.

"Yeah! It's all good though." Leah said.

The whole time I had been avoiding her eyes but i finally looked down at her to see her looking at me.
Look away Walker. Look away.

"All right let's do it places!"


We were placed on the shoulders of a bunch of cheering campers. We delivered our lines perfectly and time seemed to slow down.

She grabbed my face and pressed her lips on my cheek.

Suddenly time went normal again. I looked into her eyes flustered.

I was walking away from set swinging on my backpack when I heard running coming towards me.
I turned around to find Leah running after me.
She finally got up to me.

"Hey Walker." She said panting slightly.

"Hey." I say shocked.

"Um so I was wondering if you wanted to go to that mall across the street tomorrow?"

"With Aryan and Charlie?"

"I mean if you want but I was thinking just us." She shrugged her shoulders.

"Oh." My minded raced but before I lost my confidence I said "Yeah I would love that."

"Cool." I could tell she was trying to hide her smile. "I'll text you yeah?"


With that, she walked away quickly looking back two times.

I stood there dumbfounded . Did Leah just ask me out?

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