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I walked into the restaurant taking a deep breath in- preparing myself to see Leah.

Suddenly, I felt a pat on the back. I turned around to see Charlie welcoming me with a huge grin.

"Dude! Hey how are you? You're the first to come!"

"I'm good!" I say. We sat down and got to talking.

"Haha! That was ridiculous!" Charlie said. We laughed. "So, Walker I wanted to ask you something"

"What..?" I questioned my shoulders tensing at his more serious tone.

"What's going on between you and Leah? You guys never speak anymore. I mean to be honest we all thought you had a crush on her but now you barely look at her."

I sighed. Had it been so obvious?

I decided to tell him the truth. "Well it all started when I kissed her." Charlie's mouth fell open. "Hear me out- we were hanging out in her trailer and I just ... kissed her. Then we went out and she kissed me but i walked away and now I don't know chest to do."

It took a few seconds for Charlie to begin. "Look, in like -twenty minutes- Leah is coming here. Talk to her. And maybe ...kiss her." A smiled grew on his face.  And I couldn't fight the grin creeping onto the corner of my mouth.

Later, I heard the door open. I looked towards the door and saw Leah walked in by herself.

what she was wearing:

I turned to Charlie and widened my eyes

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I turned to Charlie and widened my eyes. Seconds later, a chair pulled up beside me. Right beside me. Leah sat down next to me and greeted Charlie.

"Hey Walker." She said a slight smile on her face.

"Hi." I replied nervously.

Charlie stood up "I need to use the bathroom. You two... mingle or something i don't know." He looked back and winked at me .

Once he was gone I started to speak. "Leah I'm sorry. I'm really sorry for leaving the diner and I'm sorry for avoiding and ignoring you after we kissed."

She sighed. "Walker. I forgive you. I get it it's scary showing someone how you feel . Let's just stop avoiding each other and address... this."

"Address this?" I smile mischievously.

"Shut up loser." She poked me in the chest and laughed.

I got the idea. I placed my finger on her chin and turned her to me. I place my hand on her waist and place my lips on her. Passionately, I kissed her and she did too. She wrapped her arms around my neck.

I could've stayed like that forever.

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