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I got ready at the hotel me and my mom were staying at whilst we filmed. I wore a blue shirt, cargo pants and  a pair of vans.

I decided to walk to the mall so I could think about things.
Is this a date? Did Leah actually ask me out?

After what felt like an eternity of trying to wrap my head around the situation I got to the front of the mall only to be interrupted by the tight hug of Leah.

"Walker! Hi!" Leah said.

"Hi Leah!" I felt my face turn hot.

We made our way into the mall and basically just walked around for a bit. It was kind of awkward really, I mean we made small talk here and there but we just walked checking our phone here and there.

But, soon we decided to go to a small diner and get milkshakes.

"So..." Leah started "Look Walker, I didn't ask you to come for no reason."

"Oh." I managed.

"I've been feeling this bridge between us which is so hard because we used to be so close. Is this because of the... you know...kiss? You kissed me."She looked me in the eyes and I immediately looked at my milkshake.

I didn't know what to say. I was honestly lost for words.

"Do you... have feelings for me?"

I don't say anything.  I feel her eyes burning holes into my forehead. Suddenly, she grabbed my chin and moved my head towards her.

Gracefully, she leaned in and pressed her lips onto mine. Her lips on mine felt euphoric heavenly even. Subconsciously, i held her cheeks deepening the kiss.  I felt like I was floating.

A minute later, we pulled apart. Silence.

A smile grew on her face and she began to speak "That was-"

I stood up.

"Leah- I - I've got to go."

"Walker no-" she grabbed my hand.

I walked out of the diner.

Immediately I regretted it. I wanted to go back in a the diner and kissed her again. Tell her how long I've liked her- but it was too late now.

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